Counter-development is a strategy and world-view advocated by Helena Norberg-Hodge and the Indian organization Ladakh Ecological Development Group (LEDeG). In her book Ancient Futures, Helena Norberg-Hodge entails "traditional" ways of life employed by the people of Ladakh. A broad base of people need to adopt counter-development, to check and reverse the tide of environmental destruction, social fragmentation, and to the concentration of power and wealth in the hands of transnational corporations.
The manifestation of counter-development in the first world would "...heal ourselves and the planet, we need to regain control of these levers through economic activism, underpinned by an understanding of the workings of globalization. If the multitude of social and environmental movements link hands to address a common agenda, sufficient pressure can be exerted to bring about meaningful policy change."
Counter-development seeks return to rural communities which would be semi-autarkic, ecologically-sound and autonomous. Norberg-Hodge urges this restructuring as an answer to fundamental flaws and repercussion of the global economic system.
- Norberg-Hodge, Helena (2009). Ancient Futures: Lessons from Ladakh for a Globalizing World. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books. p. 204. ISBN 978-1-57805-162-5.