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Flora of Door County, Wisconsin

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Variety of Plants species
Select plants, fungi, and algae found in the county
Abies balsamea, balsam fir, Peninsula State ParkPicea glauca, white spruce, Peninsula State ParkLarix laricina, tamarack, Washington IslandThuja occidentalis, eastern white cedar or arborvitae, Peninsula State ParkJuniperus communis var. depressa, common juniper, Potawatomi State ParkJuniperus horizontalis, creeping juniper, Washington IslandRhus typhina, staghorn sumac, Potawatomi State ParkCornus sericea, redosier dogwood, Potawatomi State ParkCornus canadensis, bunchberry dogwood, Newport State ParkVaccinium myrtilloides, velvetleaf huckleberry, Potawatomi State ParkPrimula mistassinica, Mistassini primrose, The RidgesAralia nudicaulis, wild sarsaparilla, Newport State ParkClintonia borealis, bluebead, Newport State ParkLilium philadelphicum, wood lily, Marshall's PointUvularia grandifloria, large-flowered bellwort, Ellison bluffPolygonatum biflorum, smooth Solomon's seal, Rock Island State ParkMaianthemum canadense, Canada mayflower, Ellison bluffMaianthemum stellatum, starry false Solomon's seal, Europe Bay woodsConvallaria majalis, European lily of the valley, Mud lake vicinityTrillium grandiflorum, white trillium, Ellison bluffCypripedium parviflorum, yellow lady's-slipper, Ellison bluffPhragmites australis, common reed, North BayCynoglossum boreale, northern wild comfrey, Ellison bluffGalium aparine, stickywilly, White Cliff Fen and ForestMyosotis sylvatica, woodland forget-me-not, Peninsula State ParkLysimachia borealis, American starflower, Newport State ParkGentianopsis procera, lesser fringed gentian, Moonlight Bay vicinitySpiranthes cernua, nodding lady's tresses, Moonlight Bay vicinityFragaria vesca, woodland strawberry, Washington IslandFragaria virginiana, wild strawberry, Whitefish Dunes State ParkDuchesnea indica, Indian strawberry, Moonlight Bay vicinityMitchella repens, partridgeberry, Mink River EstuaryRosa multiflora, multiflora rose, Moonlight Bay vicinityArgentina anserina, silverweed cinquefoil, Moonlight Bay vicinityGeum aleppicum, yellow avens, Peninsula State ParkGeum canadense, white avens, Peninsula State ParkCaltha palustris, yellow marsh marigold, The RidgesAquilegia canadensis, red columbine, Ellison bluffActaea pachypoda, white baneberry, Peninsula State ParkPolygala paucifolia, fringed milkwort, Peninsula State ParkVeronica americana, American speedwell, Moonlight Bay vicinityCampanula rotundifolia, bluebell bellflower, Peninsula State ParkCampanula aparinoides, marsh bellflower, Ellison bluffCampanula aparinoides, great blue lobelia, Washington IslandSilene vulgaris, maidenstears campion, Europe Bay WoodsSilene latifolia, bladder campion, undescribed locationPersicaria amphibia, water smartweed, Washington IslandHypericum perforatum, common St. Johnswort, Potawatomi State ParkHypericum kalmianum, Kalm's St. Johnswort, Moonlight Bay vicinityAsclepias syriaca, common milkweed, Peninsula State ParkConopholis americana, American cancer-root, Newport State ParkMentha canadensis, Canadian or field mint, location unknownPrunella vulgaris, common selfheal, Peninsula State ParkIris lacustris, dwarf lake iris, Peninsula State ParkViola canadensis, Canada violet, Kangaroo Lake vicinityViola adunca, hookedspur violet, Moonlight Bay vicinityViola nephrophylla, northern bog violet, Newport State ParkViola pubescens, downy yellow violet, Ellison bluffViola rostrata, longspur violet, Mink River EstuaryLeucanthemum vulgare, oxeye daisy, Potawatomi State ParkLactuca canadensis, Canada lettuce, Peninsula State ParkSonchus oleraceus, common sowthistle, Mink River EstuaryCichorium intybus, common chicory, undescribed locationCentaurea stoebe, spotted knapweed, Washington IslandErigeron strigosus, prairie fleabane, Potawatomi State ParkErigeron annuus, eastern daisy fleabane, White Cliff Fen and ForestSolidago riddellii, Riddell's goldenrod, Rock Island State ParkTragopogon pratensis, Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon goatsbeard, Thorp Pond vicinitySymphyotrichum laeve, smooth blue aster, Washington IslandCirsium arvense, Canada thistle, Moonlight Bay vicinityCirsium vulgare, bull thistle, Fish Creek vicinityPilosella aurantiaca, orange hawkweed, Potawatomi State ParkRudbeckia hirta, blackeyed Susan, Washington IslandEutrochium maculatum, spotted Joe Pye weed, Moonlight Bay vicinityAchillea millefolium, common yarrow, Potawatomi State ParkAntennaria neglecta, field pussytoes, Peninsula State ParkAnaphalis margaritacea, western pearly everlasting, Rock Island State ParkArctium minus, lesser burdock, Peninsula State ParkArabidopsis lyrata, lyrate rockcress, Europe Bay woodsArabis ×divaricarpa, spreadingpod rockcress, Peninsula State ParkOenothera biennis, Common evening primrose, Moonlight Bay vicinityComandra umbellata, bastard toadflax, Washington IslandLathyrus ochroleucus, cream pea, Bayshore BlufflandsVicia caroliniana, Carolina vetch, Bayshore BlufflandsGeranium bicknellii, Bicknell's cranesbill, Potawatomi State ParkGeranium robertianum, Robert geranium, Moonlight Bay vicinityAgalinis paupercula, smallflower false foxglove, Washington IslandPedicularis canadensis, wood betony, Ellison bluffCastilleja coccinea, scarlet Indian paintbrush, Moonlight Bay vicinityCorallorhiza striata, hooded coralroot, Toft pointLobelia kalmii, Ontario lobelia, Sister BaySanicula marilandica, Maryland sanicle, GardnerCornus racemosa, northern swamp dogwood, UnionBerteroa incana, hoary alyssum, UnionAcer spicatum, mountain maple, Cave Point County ParkAralia racemosa, American spikenard, Sister BayCirsium pitcheri, Pitcher's thistle, Lily BaySambucus racemosa, red elderberry, Baileys HarborRanunculus bulbosus, St. Anthonys turnip, Egg HarborRosa blanda, Smooth rose, Little SturgeonCrataegus punctata, dotted hawthorn, Washington IslandShepherdia canadensis, bristle-leaf sedge, Potawatomi State ParkSedum acre, golden carpet, NasewaupeeArceuthobium pusillum, eastern dwarf mistletoe, Baileys HarborCalamagrostis canadensis, bluejoint, Peninsula State ParkFestuca trachyphylla, hard fescue, EphraimPoa compressa, Canada bluegrass, Hotz Memorial Town ParkPoa saltuensis, oldpasture bluegrass, SevastopolElymus lanceolatus subsp. psammophilus, Great Lakes wheatgrass, Clay BanksSchizachne purpurascens, swallen false melic, Cave Point SpringCarex castanea, chestnut sedge, Mud Lake State Wildlife AreaCarex communis, fibrousroot sedge, Peninsula State ParkCarex deweyana, Dewey sedge, Peninsula State ParkCarex eburnea, bristle-leaf sedge, Potawatomi State ParkCarex hystericina, bottlebrush sedge, Peninsula State ParkCarex intumescens, greater bladder sedge, SevastopolTriglochin maritima, seaside arrowgrass, northeast side of Arbter LakeEquisetum arvense, field horsetail, weedy fieldEquisetum variegatum, variegated scouringrush, Baileys HarborEquisetum hyemale, rough horsetail, SevastopolEquisetum x ferrissii, a hybrid of the scouringrush and smooth horsetails, Lake Michigan shore north of the Coast Guard Station Sturgeon BayEquisetum scirpoides, dwarf scouringrush, JacksonportLycopodium annotinum, synonym Spinulum annotinum, stiff clubmoss, Newport State ParkSelaginella selaginoides, club spikemoss, RidgesSelaginella eclipes, hidden spikemoss, RidgesAdiantum pedatum, northern maidenhair, Peninsula State ParkThelypteris palustris, eastern marsh fern, vicinity of EphraimBotrychium multifidum, leathery grapefern, Garrett BayBotrypus virginianus, rattlesnake fern, Garrett BayGymnocarpium robertianum, scented oakfern, North BayLaetiporus sulphureus, sulphur polypore, Peninsula State ParkPholiota aurivella, golden scalycap, unspecified campgroundCantharellus minor, small chanterelle, Potawatomi State ParkCladonia pyxidata, pebbled cup lichen, town of WashingtonLecanora thysanophora, mapledust lichen, within the countyDermatocarpon miniatum, common stippleback lichen, within the countyEvernia mesomorpha, Boreal oakmoss, The RidgesChara contraria, opposite stonewort, Europe Lake

The flora of Door County, Wisconsin comprise a variety of plant species. Geobotanically, Door County belongs to the North American Atlantic Region.

Plant species lists

As of 2019, 1201 species and hybrids of vascular plants have been identified in the county, including the yellow lady's-slipper Cypripedium parviflorum, the official county flower. 255 unique taxa of mosses, liverworts, and hornworts have been identified in Door County.


In 2001, species lists were compiled for the county's islands. Snake Island had 156 species, Cana Island had 111, Hat Island 22, Chambers Island 398, Adventure Island 58, Little Strawberry Island 44, Jack Island 28, Horseshoe Island 49, Sister Island 6, Spider Island 42, Plum Island 259, Detroit Island 25, Pilot Island 40, Washington Island 626, Hog Island 34, Rock Island 333, and Gravel and Fish islands were devoid of plant life. In particular, Washington Island is one of only two places in Wisconsin where the fern Asplenium viride (green spleenwort) is found.


In 2006, 60 species of aquatic plants or macrophytic algae were found in Clark Lake and nearby upstream, including spotted pondweed, Potamogeton pulcher, which is endangered in Wisconsin. In 2017, 9 species of aquatic plants were found in the Forestville Millpond, also called the Forestville Dam or Forestville Flowage.

Rare plants

Along with nearby Marinette and Delta (see Garden Peninsula) counties, Door County is home to endemic plants and disjunct populations, such as those protected at Plum Island, Coffee Swamp, Cave Point County Park, the adjacent Whitefish Dunes State Park, and The Ridges Sanctuary. The Grand Traverse islands have some of Wisconsin's richest rare plant reserves.

Invasive species

In 2019, 25 miles of roadsides were surveyed for invasive species, and in 2020, 62 miles of streams were surveyed for invasive species. A county-wide electronic map of Japanese knotweed, Phragmites, teasel, and wild parsnip infested locations is updated annually. Locations of other problem species have also been documented.

Plant communities unique to the area

The county is home to a variety of plant communities, including some unique to the area. Boreal rich fen is called "rich" because the dolomite makes the soil more fertile. Calcicole plants growing in these fens depend on minerals which the dolomite contributes to the soil. The southernmost boreal forests in the state are on the eastern side of the peninsula. In white cedar variant forests, white cedar coexists with hardwoods and balsam fir in upland stands that ordinarily would not support cedar. This forest cover is likely due to the alkaline soil and mostly grows on the Niagara Escarpment along the Green Bay side of the peninsula or near the Lake Michigan shoreline. A combination of high humidity, high levels of calcium and magnesium carbonates from the dolomite, and weathered, nutrient poor soils are thought to limit microbial activity. As a result, a layer of humus builds up from organic matter falling to the ground. The escarpment also features the dry cliff natural community and is home to two rare species of whitlow grass. Other uncommon communities are alvar and the similar Great Lakes alkaline rockshore, also home to rare plants.

Vegetation along the Green Bay and Lake Michigan shores

Plants in Newport State Park recolonizing the drawdown zone in August 2013 during a period of low lake levels. Plants present in the background include Anthriscus sylvestris (Queen Anne's lace), goldenrod, Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle), and Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass). The foreground includes the woody plants Thuja occidentalis (white cedar), and Cornus sericea (red-osier dogwood).

Yearly fluctuations in lake levels alternately kill off vegetation during periods of high water and promote succession during times of low water. Even during times of high water when low-lying plants are inundated, the populations may persist uphill by clonal expansion and spreading their seeds. Lake Michigan has more diverse shoreline vegetation than Lake Ontario, which has a more stable water level due to human intervention. Without the changing lake levels the shoreline would be dominated by woody plants or highly competitive and even invasive water-loving species such as cattails, reed canary grass, or purple loosestrife. Wet meadows like this one thrive when flooding does not occur often enough to allow emergent vegetation to prevail but is still too frequent to allow the establishment of trees and shrubs.

Out of 268 miles (431 km) miles of county shoreline along Lake Michigan and Green Bay surveyed in 2012, 167.5 miles (269.6 km) was vegetated with of high density shrubs and trees. There was also 3.1 miles (5.0 km) of low density shrubs and trees, 29.3 miles (47.2 km) of moderate density shrubs and trees, 32.6 miles (52.5 km) of unmaintained herbaceous vegetation, 31.8 miles (51.2 km) of manicured lawns, and 3.7 miles (6.0 km) with no vegetation.

Individual trees

Some trees have attracted attention:

  • One white cedar found on the escarpment was over 600 years old and near other old-growth cedars.
  • The largest tree in the county is a 170-year-old eastern cottonwood on the west side of Highway 57 passing through Institute. It is 110 feet tall and 35 feet in circumference.
  • In 1997, striped maple was discovered in a shoreline forest near Newport, the first time this species was documented in the state.
  • In 1969, Franklin Gilbert introduced the Viking apple, an early Macintosh moderately resistant to apple scab and fireblight. The original Viking tree is exhibited to the public at the Peninsular Research Station.
  • In 1971, a paper birch was found on Detroit Island. At five and a half feet the trunk diameter was thirty-six and six-tenths inches and the circumference was nine and a half feet. Its height was sixty-five feet and its average crown spread was fifty-nine feet.
  • In 2005, the state record Lombardy Poplar grew in Ephraim.
  • As of 2013, a notable Sugar Maple grew in Sturgeon Bay or to the south of Sturgeon Bay. It had a circumference of 200 inches and a height of 86 feet.
  • As of 2013, a Red Oak grew in a cemetery several miles south of Egg Harbor along Highway 42 and had a circumference of 146 inches.
  • As of 2013, a White Oak near the county border had a circumference of 149 inches and its height was 86 feet.
  • In 1947, a white pine on Washington Island was estimated to be 400 years old.
  • As of 2013, an American Elm along the Ahnapee Trail had a circumference of 180 inches. In 1952, an elm in Egg Harbor had the second-largest girth in the state.
  • As of 2013, a 90-foot-tall American Beech grew in the White Cliff Fen.

Macrofungi species lists

As of 2019, 243 species of mushrooms and other macrofungi have been identified north of the canal, with 326 species for the county as a whole, including those found in lichens. Several of the more uncommon lichens found in the county are Cetraria arenaria, which grows on the ground, and Anaptychia crinalis, which grows on tree bark.

Hybrid yeast

In 2009, a unique hybrid of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast was found on fallen cherries near Fish Creek. This strain of S. cerevisiae descended from both oak-tree and vineyard lineages.

Spongy moth fungus

In 1910, Entomophaga maimaiga from Japan was released in Boston in order to infect spongy moths and control their population. In 1996, it was discovered that E. maimaiga had naturally spread to southern Door County. This was the first time it had been detected in the state.

See also

Further reading

  • The Flora of the Limestone Cliffs and Terraces of Door County, Wisconsin by Grace Jean Baird, Chicago: University of Chicago, 1919
  • Door County's Wildflowers: A Field Guide for the Curious by Frances M. Burton and Aurelia M. Stampp, Ephraim, Wisconsin: Stonehill Publishing, 2005
  • Door County Flora: A Field Guide to the Vascular Plants of Wisconsin's Door Peninsula by Steve W. Chadde, Sullivan, Indiana: Orchard Innovations, 2020
  • The Forest by Virginia Maher, Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin: Sand Beach Press, 2022
  • Wildflowers of Door County: Wisconsin's Unique Floral Preserve by Paul G. Mahlberg and Marilyn Waite Mahlberg, Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2000
  • Biodiversity of Macrofungi in Northern Door County, WI Archived 2021-06-19 at the Wayback Machine by Charlotte Lukes, Cofrin Center for Biodiversity, UW-Green Bay,
  • Nature-Wise by Roy Lukes, articles from February 23, 1996, to August 28, 2004, published in the Door County Advocate, compiled at doorbell.net (Archived October 12, 2005)
  • Blossoming Calendar of The Ridges Sanctuary, The Ridges Sanctuary


  1. Wisflora Species list
  2. Green Fund: Friends and Donors, archived October 2, 2011.
  3. Mycology Collections Portal. "Consortium of North American Bryophyte Herbaria". (CNABH). Retrieved 24 January 2019.
  4. Flora and vegetation of the Grand Traverse Islands (Lake Michigan), Wisconsin and Michigan by Judziewicz, EJ., The Michigan Botanist, Vol. 40. 2001, p. 85
  5. Conservation Assessment for Green Spleenwort (Asplenium trichomanes-ramosum) L by the USDA Forest Service, Eastern Region, March 2002, subsection "Habitat and Ecology, p. 9
  6. Darrin Hoverson and Nancy Turyk (November 2006). "2006 Summary and Comparisons of Clark Lake - Door County Aquatic Macrophyte Community Surveys" (PDF). University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point Center for Watershed Science and Education. Retrieved January 22, 2019.
  7. Potamogeton pulcher Tuck. spotted pondweed, USDA PLANTS database, Accessed December 13, 2019
  8. Door County Soil and Water Conservation Department (June 2018). "Table 7-2. Plant Species, p. 41 (page 46 of the pdf)". Final Report for Comprehensive Lake Management Planning Grant Project #LPL162317 Forestville Millpond. Retrieved January 22, 2019.
  9. ^ Emmet Judziewicz and David Kopitzke (September 1999). "Wisconsin's Lake Michigan Islands Plant Survey-II" (PDF). Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Endangered Resources. Retrieved January 23, 2019.
  10. A Guide to Significant Wildlife Habitat and Natural Areas Of Door County, Wisconsin, March, 2003, by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Sturgeon Bay Service Center, p. 128, p. 52, p. 23, p. 127 and pp. 52, 83, 85, and 99 (note: pagination in the pdf is one page past the numerical pagination)
  11. County of Door 2019 Annual Reports, page 70
  12. County of Door 2020 Annual Reports, page 73
  13. Web-Map of Door County, Wisconsin ... For All Seasons!, Door County Land Information Office, Accessed September 7th, 2019
  14. Priority Invasive Species Lists in Wisconsin, electronic map
  15. Boreal rich fen, Detailed Community Description from Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin General natural community overview, Wisconsin DNR, accessed September 9th, 2019
  16. Biodiversity Investment Areas: Coastal Wetland Ecosystems by Patricia Chow-Fraser and Dennis A. Albert, State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference 1998, July 1999, Table 5.6 Lake Michigan shoreline reaches and their characteristic wetlands, p. 46 (p. 51 of the pdf)
  17. Boreal forest, Detailed Community Description from Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin General natural community overview, Wisconsin DNR, accessed January 20, 2020.
  18. The Origins and Properties of Alkaline Raw Humus by Harry Merrill Galloway, MS thesis, UW-Wisconsin, 1938
  19. Dry cliff, Detailed Community Description from Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin General natural community overview, Wisconsin DNR, accessed September 10th, 2019
  20. Hoary Whitlow-grass (Draba cana), Wisconsin DNR, accessed September 10th, 2019
  21. Rock Whitlow-grass (Draba arabisans), Wisconsin DNR, accessed September 10th, 2019
  22. Alvar, Detailed Community Description from Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin General natural community overview, Wisconsin DNR, accessed September 9th, 2019.
  23. Great Lakes alkaline rockshore, Detailed Community Description from Ecological Landscapes of Wisconsin General natural community overview, Wisconsin DNR, accessed September 9th, 2019
  24. p. 828 of Hydrogeomorphic Factors and Ecosystem Responses in Coastal Wetlands of the Great Lakes by Janet R. Keough, Todd A. Thompson, Glenn R. Guntenspergen, and Douglas A. Wilcox, December 1999, Environmental Science and Ecology Faculty Publications Vol. 51
  25. STARR Partners (February 2013). "Appendix F, Kewaunee, Door, and Brown County" (PDF). Discovery Report. Federal Emergency Management Agency Region V. p. 19 (pdf page 27).
  26. Door County Comprehensive Forest Plan, completed about 2008, see also for reference the map of all Door county woodlands
  27. Door County Coastal Byway Interpretive Master Plan Archived 2021-10-16 at the Wayback Machine by Schmeeckle Reserve Interpreters, p. 25, (p. 30 of the pdf), 2014
  28. Chapter 15, Northern Lake Michigan Coastal Ecological Landscape. from The ecological landscapes of Wisconsin: An assessment of ecological resources and a guide to planning sustainable management. Madison: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2015. PUB-SS-1131Q 2015, p. Q-23 (p. 33 of the pdf)
  29. Growing Fruit in the Upper Midwest by Don Gordon, University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 1991, p. 47
  30. History of the Department of Horticulture, Chronology of the Department’s Research Highlights and Growth, University of Wisconsin Madison, 2014, p. 16
  31. Detroit island's birch survived the centuries by Roy Lukes, Door County Advocate, March 4th, 1971
  32. Wisconsin's Champion Trees: A Tree Hunter's Guide by R. Bruce Allison, 2005, Wisconsin Book Pub.
  33. ^ Champion Trees of Door County by Roy and Charlotte Lukes, November 21, 2013, doorcountypulse.com
  34. 400-Year Pine on Island; Towering Elm, Egg Harbor, Door County Advocate, Volume 86, Number 22, page 1
  35. Giant Egg Harbor Elm Can lay Claim to Championship, Door County Advocate, Volume 91, Number 47, July 24, 1952, page 1 and Reign of Jorns Elm Ended by Madison Conservationist, Door County Advocate, Volume 91, Number 53, September 18, 1952, page 2
  36. Charlotte Lukes. "Biodiversity of Macrofungi in Northern Door County, WI". UWGB Cofrin Center for Biodiversity. Archived from the original on January 23, 2019. Retrieved January 22, 2019.
  37. Mycology Collections Portal. "Search for Door, Wisconsin". Mycoportal. Retrieved January 24, 2019.
  38. Lichens: Alluring but Little-Known Plants by Roy and Charlotte Lukes, Peninsula Pulse, November 21st, 2011
  39. Hanging Fringed Lichen (Anaptychia crinalis), Wisconsin DNR, accessed September 10th, 2019
  40. Clowers, K. J.; Will, J. L.; Gasch, A. P. (2015). "A unique ecological niche fosters hybridization of oak-tree and vineyard isolates of Saccharomyces cerevisiae". Molecular Ecology. 24 (23): 5886–5898. Bibcode:2015MolEc..24.5886C. doi:10.1111/mec.13439. PMC 4824287. PMID 26518477.
  41. The Gypsy Moth Fungus Entomophaga maimaiga in North America by Richard C. Reardon and Ann E. Hajek, US Forest Service, Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team, June, 1998, page 19 (page 23 of the pdf)
  42. Inoculative Releases and Natural Spread of the Fungal Pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) into U.S. Populations of Gypsy Moth, Lymantria dispar (Lepidoptera: Erebidae), by Ann E. Hajek, Andrea L. Diss-Torrance, Nathan W. Siegert, and Andrew M. Liebhold, Environmental Entomology, June 15, 2021, pages 5–6 doi:10.1093/ee/nvab068
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