There are a wide range of frogs, salamanders and caecilians that can be kept in an aquarium. Some of these are not found in the pet trade. This is usually because they're either too big for most commercial aquariums (ex: giant salamanders), are endangered (ex: achoques), or both.
Aquatic frogs
- African dwarf frogs - (Hymenochirus sp.)
- Merlin's dwarf frog - (Pseudhymenochirus merlini)
- African clawed frogs - (Xenopus sp.)
- Surinam toads- (Pipa sp.)
Aquatic salamanders
Giant salamanders (Cryptobranchidae)
- Hellbender - (Cryptobranchus alleganiensis)
- Japanese giant salamander - (Andrias japonicus)
- Chinese giant salamander - (Andrias davidianus)
- South China giant salamander - (Andrias sligoi)
- Jiangxi giant salamander - (Andrias jiangxiensis)
- Qimen giant salamander - (Andrias cheni)
Sirens (Sirenidae)
- Northern dwarf siren - (P. striatus)
- Southern dwarf siren - (P. axanthus)
- Reticulated siren - (Siren reticulata)
- Western siren - (Siren nettingi)
- Seepage siren - (Siren sphagnicola)
- Greater siren - (S. lacertina)
- Lesser siren - (S. intermedia)
Newts (Pleurodelinae)
- Iberian ribbed newt - (Pleurodeles waltl)
- Alpine newt - (Ichthyosaura alpestris)
- Spotted paddle-tail newt - (Pachytriton brevipes)
- Fire-bellied newts - (Cynops sp.)
- Spotless stout newt - (Paramesotriton labiatus)
Tiger salamanders (Ambystomatidae)
- Axolotl - (Ambystoma mexicanum)
- Anderson's salamander - (Ambystoma andersoni)
- Achoque - (Ambystoma dumerilii)
- Taylor's salamander - (Ambystoma taylori)
- Olm - (Proteus anguinus)
- Alabama waterdog - (Necturus alabamensis)
- Western waterdog - (Necturus beyeri)
- Neuse River waterdog - (Necturus lewisi)
- Common mudpuppy - (Necturus maculosus)
- Red River mudpuppy - (Necturus louisianensis)
- Apalachicola waterdog - (Necturus moleri)
- Escambia waterdog - (Necturus mounti)
- Dwarf waterdog - (Necturus punctatus)
Amphiumas (Amphiumidae)
- One-toed amphiuma - (Amphiuma pholeter)
- Two-toed amphiuma - (Amphiuma means)
- Three-toed amphiuma - (Amphiuma tridactylum)
Aquatic caecilians
- Atretochoana eiselti
- Santa Catarina caecilian - (Chthonerpeton viviparum)
- Kaup's caecilian - (Potamotyphlus kaupii)
- Rubber eel - (Typhlonectes natans)
- Cayenne caecilian - (Typhlonectes compressicauda)
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