Undisrupted is a Canadian television series, which premiered in August 2021 on CBC Gem. Created in conjunction with the National Arts Centre, the series commissioned four figures in Canadian classical and opera music to create and perform a half-hour symphonic work with the National Arts Centre Orchestra.
The series was created by Donna Feore and Alexander Shelley, in part as a response to the NAC's inability to stage traditional theatre shows during the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada.
- "Forgotten Coast" — Measha Brueggergosman
- "Iskra" — Ana Sokolovic
- "A Guide to the Orchestra" — Nicole Lizée
- "Music Is My Medicine" — Shawnee Kish
- Marsha Lederman, "National Arts Centre Orchestra’s eclectic new CBC Gem series showcases Canadian talent". The Globe and Mail, September 1, 2021.
- Chris Dart, "Four curators were given an orchestra, a film crew, and huge creative freedom. This is what happened". CBC Arts, August 27, 2021.
- Erika Ibrahim, "The NAC Orchestra’s Undisrupted series features unique collaborations for unprecedented times". Apt613, August 27, 2021.
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