I was born in Sutherland, and usually live there, or in Edinburgh or London, depending on the time of the year and what I am doing. I am from a Scottish and English lineage, and I am very proud of my ancient British Teutonic blood. I am proud of our ancient island, and do not wish the island to be broken apart by bigots. Lady Britannia is being savaged on wikipedia, and the barbarians are already dancing on Her grave, celebrating at what they think is Her imminent burial. It will not happen though, truly. Our sturdy ancestors Horsa and Hengest, whose loins sired our great nation, did not come to this Ancient Island to see their efforts of civilisation ruined by such barbarians. The Great British spirit will prevail, of that I am sure, and in that I do take comfort. |
I was born in Sutherland, and usually live there, or in Edinburgh or London, depending on the time of the year and what I am doing. I am from a Scottish and English lineage, and I am very proud of my ancient British Teutonic blood. It will not happen though, truly. Our sturdy ancestors Horsa and Hengest, whose loins sired our great nation, did not come to this Ancient Island to see their efforts of civilisation ruined by such. The Great British spirit will prevail, of that I am sure, and in that I do take comfort. |