In 2002, a pair of brothers (Igor and Grichka Bogdanov), managed to get several papers published to physics journals which were wrongfully considered by a French physicist, Max Niedermaier, as a hoax similar (to Sokal) pseudoscience under a layer of dense technical jargon. Max Niedermaier retracted publicly and the brothers have since defended their theories (which claim to deal with the area of topological field theory), and the veracity of their work seems to have recently gained new supporters among certain researchers in theoretical physics : http://motls.blogspot.com/2005/06/bogdanoff-papers.html. |
In 2002, two brothers (Igor and Grichka Bogdanov), managed to get several papers published to physics journals which were wrongfully considered by a French physicist, Max Niedermaier, as a hoax similar (to Sokal) pseudoscience under a layer of dense technical jargon. Max Niedermaier retracted publicly and the brothers have since defended their theories (which claim to deal with the area of topological field theory), and the veracity of their work seems to have recently gained new supporters among certain researchers in theoretical physics : http://motls.blogspot.com/2005/06/bogdanoff-papers.html. |