User information
Imagine a room with 1000 tiny monkeys with 1000 huge typewriters. Now imagine hundreds upon thousands of those rooms, pushed together more tightly than any architect could possibly conceive. Now imagine a single head monkey to lead them all - sorting, filing, and publishing the work of the many monkeys and many typewriters. That monkey is the Alphachimp, and he welcomes you to Misplaced Pages.
I'm here to improve your experience reading and editing Misplaced Pages. You can contact me here or by email. Either way, if your question is reasonable, I'll probably respond.
In the interest of full disclosure, I have four active accounts on English Misplaced Pages:
Update as of March 2008:
I haven't been as active over the last year due to a variety of events in my life. Nothing's wrong, and I hope to become more active in the near future. :)
Update as of May 2009:
I'm still here, but I don't have nearly the time to edit Misplaced Pages I once did. I'll try to pop in from time to time, and will always try to keep My AIV Bot active and updated. Who knows, maybe sometime in the future I'll become more active...
Update as of June 2017:
I'm still alive. Trying to find ways to become more active in my free time :). Keep up the good work everyone!
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