This is an old revision of this page, as edited by Hipi Zhdripi~enwiki (talk | contribs) at 14:09, 26 August 2006 (→No personal attacks). The present address (URL) is a permanent link to this revision, which may differ significantly from the current revision.
Revision as of 14:09, 26 August 2006 by Hipi Zhdripi~enwiki (talk | contribs) (→No personal attacks)(diff) ← Previous revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff)
Point zero
Hipi, ki kujdes tash e tutje, se dikush po vrojton ma me kujdes tash e mundet me ta ndalu editimin, qysh ja ka ba nja dy prej kojshive. Kerko ndihme nese ke pyetje, po mos bier pre e provokimeve edhe ofendimeve. Stay cool . te pershendes, ilir_pz 22:18, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
Hahaah po ky artikull po duka me bashku Misplaced Pages:Staying cool when the editing gets hot--Hipi Zhdripi 22:22, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
- Ne perkthim po i bjen diqysh "Rri cool si kastravec" heheheh, a po i sheh fotot ? ilir_pz 22:23, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
Hipi, mendoj që është ide e mirë të shuash paragrafët në faqen tënde për përdoruesët Asterion dhe HolyRomanEmperor. Janë sulmë personale dhe nuk lejohen. --Telex 22:34, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
Po siq po e shehë ata Non-Stop po provokojnë. Po fusin mendime personale dhe nacionaliste ndër artikujt për Kosovën. Unë edhe e kam vështirë të gjejë burime pasi që burimet kryesore për Kosovën janë djegur apo gjenden nën kontrollin e qeveris së Serbisë, mua më kanë djegur dokumentet personale dhe ato të fakultetit gjenden diku në Serbi. Për të dashtur nxjerrur një kopje të dokumenteve të mija, origjinale ata kërkojnë nga unë së paku 1000 Euro dhe kjo mund të bëhet vetëm nëpër kanale të zeza sepse qeveria serbe e ka ndaluar rreptësisht dhënjen e dokumentacionit Kosovar. Kjo është gjendja reale.
Për mua nuk është e rëndësishme se kush je ti apo ai, unë nuk kam çka të mëshefë në fund të fundit ky projekt ka për qëllim të jetë shkencor dhe jo "forum antik" i propagandës, mendimet e mia personale mund të i mbaj në gardhin tim por si duket këta nuk munden, përderi sa të jetë kështu nuk shohë ndonjë shkakë/provë pse të tërheq mendimin tim në fleten time personale, mbi përdoruesit e Wikipedias (User:Asterion po provon që të përmbahet dhe me siguri që pasi që të jem bindur për punen e tij dhe do e tërheq atë shënim). Nëse ata mendojnë se janë sulme personale le të dëshmojnë se unë e kamë mednim të gabuar mbi ta.
Nëse ke mundësi do të ishte mirë që të formohej një si të themë ekip mbikqyerëse në krye me PANONIAN dhe Ilirin. kjo do të evitonte konfliktet e shpeshta në fletat Kosovare.--Hipi Zhdripi 22:56, 19 May 2006 (UTC)
Hipi, durohu pak, mos iu shkruaj mesazhe fyese apo kercenuese, se po frikesohen disa, si psh Asterioni. Munden me te pamundesu hyrjen ne Misplaced Pages nese ju dergon kercenime. E di se mendimet e tyne jane krejt gabim, po mundohu me diplomaci me ju pergjigje. Te ndihmoj ne kete drejtim. ilir_pz 18:56, 27 May 2006 (UTC)
Shikoj që shton emrat shqiptarë nd' artikujt për qytetët të Ish Republikës Jugosllave të Maqedonisë. U përpoqa të bëj atë dhe nuk më lejuan. --Telex 23:25, 29 May 2006 (UTC)
Po e ke argumentin dhe bëne krahasimin si me me teritoret tjera nën ish-Jugosllavinë. You have a argument in officel web pages. Ther is the albanian flg witch links to the albanian Lan. The Macedoian constitution hase acceptit thate. After thate the War was stoped.--Hipi Zhdripi 23:46, 29 May 2006 (UTC)
Un block
--Hipi Zhdripi 02:07, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
- You'sa appear'sa to be'sa fix'sa and'a unblocked'a -- Tawker 02:09, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
--Hipi Zhdripi 02:15, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
21:47, May 19, 2006 Prodego unblocked Hipi Zhdripi (contribs) (try to fix unblock Sceptre is the unblocker) - can you not edit -- Tawker 02:17, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
I cann not edit. --Hipi Zhdripi 02:19, 30 May 2006 (UTC)
Check here and let me know what you think. Your opinion is appreciated. ilir_pz 00:53, 6 June 2006 (UTC)
What you mean?
Not sure if I follow what you meant to say here. Could you elaborate? --HolyRomanEmperor 14:44, 9 June 2006 (UTC)
Revolving globe on Albania-geo-stub
Hi Hipi - I've removed the revolving globe icon from Albania-geo-stub. There are two reasons - first, stub template messages are meant to be discreet - any readers are more likely to want to read the article without having their eyes distracted by the template, and we already get a lot of complaints about the stub icons being too distracting. Secondly, animations like that can crash some older web browsers, so they're not a good idea in general. These two reasons are why animations aren't ever used on stub icons. Grutness...wha? 08:45, 15 June 2006 (UTC)
Albanian wikipedia
Was this implanted by you? As far as I know, you were a supporter of the Montenegrin nation. What changed so that you now believe that Montenegrins are actually Serbs???
- You have understde something wrong? At first you must understand the west ant east meaning of "Nation". There is term "serbs" is uset to explene the "church". In the past the church was together and dont say nothing about the nationality. After "coming in" the moto "One state one church" the serbs use this term to say thate all peopel wicht go to the serbian church are serbs, later thate is meeaning serbian nationalty, every pleace in wicht is a serbian church is serbian land. This is today "the problem" in Balkan.
Let we see the "problem" of the orthodox church in Knin (Croatia). This church it was under the Bizant and Romania church. After the Ottomans was diffedet this church we finde under the serbian church. Are this peopel serbs? I say no. My arguments about thate is the moto "one state one church" from the Belgrad propagander was modificede to "one church on nation". Agains this propagander it was Vatican. Now in Dalmatia you have Croats (catholic), Serbs (orthodox) , Arbëresh (Albanias-chatolic, in Zara and around) and Montenegrins (orthodox). This Arbëresh and Montenegrins dident "eat" the Belgrads propagander but they diden wount to be muslim, the rest of the dalmatins was part of the croatian nation in western meaning.
The Albanians in Albanias vilayets was masive convertyt in muslim, Montenegrins in the "Serb nation" and the albanians in Epir to "Grecce nation". This terms "Serb nations" and "Grece nation" you can not translete in west languges als NATION, beacose they dont have to do with state but with church.
After 1912 we fide albanians als muslim, catholic and orthodox. In north albanians vilajets (Kosova, Shkodra) we dont have orthoks albanians but we have Montenegrins and Albanians (muslim and catholic).
Let see from beginn. Is a area with orthodox and catholics in west Balkan. This area is populeted from Iliriens. In year 1000 "come to the power" some slavic aristrocatie (NOTE IT! In the history are not argumet about the population but about the aristrocati and church). Now this area is domineted from orthodox and the church is dominedet from the slavic aristrocrats influence and is called the serbian church. This is saying nothing about the population or nation. Ther are some "intern" borders chanchen inside the orthodox church but not the peopel borders. In Albanian dominedet part are some external chanche of borders betwen catholic and orthodoxs. They chanche only the church influenc or supporters.
The Ottomans "come in". Now we have external chanche of borders betwen three powers. The Ottoman Empire was multi-nationalty power. For you beter to understand. (You have USA, american-abanians but in Sovjet Union you have State members (Pasaport) als Sovjet and the nationalty German. In the USA is one nationalty american in the Sovjet Union are x-nationalty.
If you kmow a littel the histor of this part of the Word then in clear. Belgrad hase presante in Istambol, London, Paris, Washington, New York, Berlin all the orthodox in the west part of the Balkans als "Serbian Nation". This propagander was supported from Moskwa during the Rusian-Ottomans Wars. The Albanis in Kosovo they have see this aspiration during the Ottoman Empire, the montenegrin too. The answer but it was different. For some Albanians the religion was importen but the experians betwen the orthodox-chatolic or how they say "east-west-rit" wars in there land has maked thate the only thru religion is beliving in "ZOTI" (Got) with they tradition and the pristers and hoxhas witch was presated from the churchs and moshes was a "political leaders" of some powers wicht hase nothing to do with the classic meaning of the "beliwing in Got". There are some catholic and muslime prister wicht hase taket part in Prizren Leagua but the this movemed it was "Albanian National Movemend" it was not like in Serbia "Religion Movemend" witch in the western was preasendet als "Serbian National Movemend". How you see the "Albanian Nation" is natyral nation createt from the Albanias familys and folk and the cenetral point is not the religion, state or kalifat but blud. Everthing els like state, religion, economy are maked from peopel and not from "ZOTI". Some of the peopel of this blud finde out thate for they is more importen religion, state, kalifat or political partys.
This was (and is not any more) the differenc of the albanias and montenegrins. The montenegrins give they folk (National) identy for the religion. This was hapen with the Arvanites in Grecce. In the fact this peopel after the tate reform in Grece in the future are going to be presant als Greece nationalty. The albanians religion strutcur today is horisontal and vertical. The Albanians you canne say are liven with Law based on "Kanun of Lekë Dugagjini" also catholic Law, the ofical language is domineted from orthodoxs terms and in the paper are muslim (als protection agains the Serbian and Greece church).
The Albanian state is not a Califat but a western model of the state and not from now but since it was createt. In the other side Serbia is don t have tis model. The State and church in Serbia are together. Beacose of this the "serbs" think thate Kosova, Knin, Montenegro, Bosnja and Hercegovina, Makedonia are "Serbs Lands". The orthodox peopel of this contries think thate this is correct, but they dont see the differenc betwen the midde age and the modern time. They think like some fundamentalist muslims . The serbian version is "is not importen to witch nation you belong, importen is to witch church you belong, if you dont belong to the Serbian Church you dont belong to orthodox" beacose the ony reagotnesed church in Serbian Church. In the other side they presant the muslims in Jugoslavia als Serbs??????. In one side they say thate Albanians are muslims and in other side they preasent muslims in Kosovo als Serbs?????? They dont know what they wonnt. They are betwen east and west nations. They diden chois like the rest of the nations in Europe for exempel croatians "one nation one churche model ore german odel one nation two church. And the choice of Montenegro, Bosnia, Makedonia and Kosova is going more easy for Serbian Nation beacose they cane choice if they wonnt to live in past or in present. But now they cann not make trobels to the nightbours how they have maked in the past.
The memory of the folk
The memory of the humane is stronger als every memory eaven of the paper or Commputer witch can be manipuleded. Let we see the name "MONTE NEGRO".
We know two dialects from Albanians today. Gegë and Toskë. We have a Albanian Wort about the english Wort "HIGH-LAND" witch in Albanish we writte "MALËSIA". Today is not so different but even thate we cann see the difference betwen this dialects in this Wort. The gegë man is going to say a littel bit dark and they call the HIGH LAND of Epirus MALSIA (-A- is betwen dark A and O) and the peopel of the east hight land MOLOS. In the other side the toskë man is going to say MALCIA (the A is hell and the S is so much hell like today in Albanish "C") and the peopel of the north hight land was called MALSOR. The term "MOLOS" and "MOESIA" we dont need to explean here. Let as see the user of the term "MALCIA" from the out siders after the antice. For the out siders this wort is songs like albanish wort "MAL I ZI" what is meaning "BLAC MONT" in english. In fact the teritory of Montenegro is littel domineted from dark stones (but not Black stonse). So we have a black (Negro) territory wicht is high and the rest of this teritory is White (Alba). The man of the blac teritory (albanish MALCIA =english HIGHT LAND) is Montenegrins (albanish MALËSOR-HIGHLANDER ) and the man of wiht teritory Albanians.
Today the Albanians user the terms "MALCIA E MADHE" for the larger part of North Albania, South Montenegro and wes Kosovo. This are all "Shqiptar" the term witch is knowit in the word als "Albanians" aristrokrats witch has let there land in after the Scanderbeg death and hase started after 200 years to take there land from Ottomans till they diden met the new problem with the "rusian-serbians natioalismus aspiration". This co-operation Serbian church and Rusian church has sucsed to presante the Albanias diden sucesed to presant the Albanians als Turkish volk but als muslims. In this way they haved the right to take the albanian land. (The folk of this places was newer Serbians, this place was newer Serbiens, (in the History we see for a littel time a presance from some slavic aristrocrats but othing als) there are some solders family wicht after the Serbia hase presante this teritory als Serbian teritory to the West Powers. The serbian church hase taket the land of the albanians in north and east Kosovo and givet to some solders from the Thesaloci front. This seatlers are knowit als "Solunci" they are Serbs and live in Sandjak, Presheva Field and Toplica (Nis region). In Toplica is mix serbian, albanian, bugarien, turkish, makedonian population and they are in the end of assimilation the only thing is thate they say thate they are "Gorani" but they dont have a chance, is to late they has loste ther identy witch was domineted from the seatlers "Solunci"). Ther are some citys witch hase succesed to our days to be "shqiptar" (they accept to be called with the outsider term "Albanians").
What you wount to bee
This is a natyral history. You can take or lae down. You can choice what you want. The history of the Eagel sone is this one. It was hard for more thane 1000 year. You dont have to forget they was betwen to bigers powers in this planet. ZOTI hase maket the MALËSIA (in west and east) for the Eagel childern. This children are today not anymore children. They can fly high like his mother Iliria.
No personal attacks
Please do not make personal attacks on other people. Misplaced Pages has a policy against personal attacks. In some cases, users who engage in personal attacks may be blocked from editing by administrators or banned by the arbitration committee. Comment on content, not on other contributors or people. Please resolve disputes appropriately. Thank you. -- ChrisO 08:22, 23 August 2006 (UTC)
At first you are making provocation and second the Misplaced Pages policy is „not provocateur" and thirsted you have started. You won’t troubles and you are making troubles here. You like a administrator, you have tacked the leadership of the Serbian usurers group in Misplaced Pages and making some irrelevant voting in the Kosovo article and starting working against Misplaced Pages policy. Now you have masked this article clearer to Serbian propaganda page of Misplaced Pages (see what is not Misplaced Pages). Now you wonted to redirect Kosova some (org. English - Cassava)Kosava, Belarus (see redirects policy) or some from you imagined places in Europe (no verify, no references). Why? For the normal people in this planet this is crazy, a type is making new imaginer cities and villages only to keep far a way from Kosovo article the Albanians. Something like this you can see only in Serbian mythology. Even if you make every page of Misplaced Pages, with your stupid propaganda this doesn’t help you to find an antibiotic against your problems. Misplaced Pages is Encyclopedias and is not antibiotic for the people witch live in monkey-time.
It can be that you classified “my attacks” alls personal, but yours are “collectives attack”. You are attacking the Misplaced Pages inters.--Hipi Zhdripi 14:09, 26 August 2006 (UTC)