- (File:Babepmchad.jpg); Guessed "BARE", but answer was "BABE". Missed out on $50 cash and a $50 Dick's Sporting Goods card. (Mel Peachey)
- April 29, 2006: (E-mail) Sent in an e-mail about it being my birthday, (April 30th) the same day as PlayMania's director) (Mel)
- May 13, 2006: (Contestant) Played an AlphaBuck$ game; Guessed three T's and won $15; Couldn't get the whole puzzle, which was Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. (Mel Peachey)
- May 20, 2006:: (E-mail) Sent in an e-mail asking Shandi to send a shout-out to my little sister. (Shandi Finnessey)
- June 15, 2006: (Contestant, almost) Made it in the Player's Lounge for a Movie Quotes game; The caller before me got it correct. (Hannah Peckham)
- July 27, 2006: (E-mail) Sent in an e-mail about how I won money on Jeopardy! (Mel)
- August 18, 2006: (Contestant) Played a Top 5 game with the category of "Top 5 Karaoke Songs"; Guessed (and was forced to sing =D) I Got You Babe, but was incorrect. Missed out on money from $180 - $50. (Shandi)
- August 19, 2006: (Contestant, almost) Was on the line for a Missing Link game (???? STRING/HORN/LACE.); Didn't make it into the Player's Lounge because someone got it before me, but I was on the line. (Shandi)
- August 25, 2006: (Contestant) Played a TV Quotes game; Guessed that the quote "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" was from The Brady Bunch, and won $50. (Mel)
- September 8, 2006: (Contestant) Played a Catch Phrase game (File:Chadcountonus.jpg). Guessed "Order on us," but it was "Count on us," and missed out on a laptop. (Shandi)
- September 23, 2006: (Contestant, almost) Was on the line for a "Top 5 Movies with a Number in the Title" game. Didn't make it into the Player's Lounge because someone got on before me, but I was on the line. (Mel)
- September 23, 2006: (E-mail) Sent an e-mail about my biggest secret: In seventh grade, I threw away a kid's important project assignments because he was a jerk to me. (Mel)
- October 14, 2006: (Contestant) Played a Top 5 game with the category of "TV Shows With Cities in the Title". I guessed Miami Vice and won $20 for the number five answer. (Shandi)
- November 22, 2006: (Contestant) Played a Missing Link game (?????? LEAGUE/MERMAID/RICHARD.); guessed "Little" and won $75! (Jessica York)
- November 23, 2006: (Contestant) Played a PlayMania 5 game with the category of "Movie Trilogies"; guessed The Terminator but was incorrect. (Mel)
- December 3, 2006: (E-mail) Sent an e-mail about what I'd like for Christmas: A car, eternal health for friends and unlimited entries. (Jessica)
- December 8, 2006: (Contestant) Played a PlayMania 5 game of "Red ______." Guessed "Cross" and was incorrect. (Mel)
- December 26, 2006: (E-mail) Sent an e-mail about my best gift - A PlayMania shirt my mom made for me online! (Jessica)
- December 28, 2006: (Contestant) Played a PlayMania 5 game of "Movies Starting With "M." Guessed Meet the Parents, but was incorrect. (Mel)
- December 30, 2006: (Contestant) Played an Anagram with the answer of Bridget Jones's Diary. I won $200! (Mel)
- January 14, 2007: (E-mail) Sent an e-mail about the category I would add to the Golden Globe Awards - best makeout scene! (Mel)
- March 9, 2007: (Contestant, quiznation) Played a "Things You Find" at McDonald's game. Guessed french fries and won $150! (Shandi)
- April 12, 2007: (Contestant, 100 Winners) Answered correctly that the Osmonds were the Mormon family that got their start at Disney World. I picked door 72 and won $50!
- May 12, 2007: (E-mail, quiznation) Sent an e-mail to Shandi telling her that if I were to get anything for my mom for Mother's Day, it would be a unicorn! (Shandi)
- May 13, 2007: (Contestant, 100 Winners) I won $250 on a break game by answering that January is the first month of the year!