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The Bohemian Club 's mascot is an owl, here cast in masonry, and perched over the main club entrance at 624 Taylor Street in San Francisco .
The following list of Bohemian Club members includes both past and current members of note. Membership in the male-only, private Bohemian Club takes a variety of forms, with membership regularly offered to new university presidents and to military commanders stationed in the San Francisco Bay Area . Regular, full members are usually wealthy and influential men who pay full membership fees and dues, and who must often wait 15 years for an opening, as the club limits itself to about 2700 men. Associate members are graphic and musical artists, and actors, who pay lesser fees because of their usefulness in assisting with club activities in San Francisco and at the Bohemian Grove . Professional members are associate members who have developed the ability to pay full dues, or are skilled professionals selected from the arts community. Honorary members are elected by club members, and pay no membership fees or annual dues.
Each member is associated with a "camp", that is, one of 118 rustic sleeping and leisure quarters scattered throughout the Bohemian Grove, where each member sleeps during the two weeks (three weekends) of annual summer encampment in July. These camps are the principal means through which high-level business and political contacts and friendships are formed.
Nicholas A. Acker
Frank K. Ainsworth
Robert I. Aitken
John Fellows Akers
Eddie Albert
Lamar Alexander
Wallace M. Alexander
Charles E. Allen
Pelham W. Ames
Martin Anderson
Earle C. Anthony
Peter R. Arnott
Samual Armacost
Norman Ralph Augustine
Thomas G. Ayers
Samuel W. Backus
James Baker
Mason Ball
Sydney Ballou
Albert L. Bancroft
John Barneson
John M Barry
George Aiken Batchelder
Al W. Baxter
Silverado Squatters
Riley P. Bechtel
Stephen Bechtel, Jr.
Stephen David Bechtel, Sr.
Francis E. Beck
D. P. Belknap
Karl Bendetsen
Fulton G. Berry
Cesar Bertheau
Benjamin Biaggini
Clarence E. Bickford
Ambrose Bierce
H. R. Bloomer
Charles R. Blyth
John Henry Boalt
George C. Boardman
Louis Boccardi
Leon Bocqueraz
Clint Bolick
James G. Boswell II
Henry M. Bosworth
Honorary Life
Richard Boucher
Edward Bosqui
William B. Bourn II
Elizabeth Crocker Bowers
Allan St. John Bowie
James F. Bowman
Margaret B. Bowman
Harry J. Brady
Honorary Life
Nicholas F. Brady
Frederic H. Brandi
Edward Lacy Brayton
Richard L. Breen
Domenica Brescia
Nathaniel J. Brittan
David S. Broder
George T. Bromley
Samuel Marsden Brookes
David Brooks
Harold Brown
Pat Brown
Emile Bruguière
Frank H. Buck
Aurelius E. Buckingham
Christopher Buckley
William F. Buckley, Jr.
Charles Bundschu
Clair Burgener
Frank Gelett Burgess
Hugh M. Burke
Honorary Life
Daniel M. Burns
George H. W. Bush
Hill Billies
George W. Bush
Norton Bush
Nicholas Murray Butler
Richard Butler
Witter Bynner
Giuseppe Cadenasso
Guido E. Caglieri
Joseph A. Califano, Jr.
Howard Callaway
George T. Cameron
Chauncey L. Canfield
Robert Capelle
Harris C. Capwell
Emil Carlsen
Charles Joseph Carlson
Harry P. Carlton
Albert Vincent Casey
Alexander T. Case
William J. Casey
Harry Chandler
Norman Chandler
Joseph A. Chanslor
Horace B. Chase
Ernest D. Chipman
George Chismore
Andrew Christeson
William P. Clark, Jr.
Harry Corson Clarke
Alden W. Clausen
John Willard Clawson
Lucius D. Clay
Philip T. Clay
Sydney A. Cloman
Charles Coburn
Tony Coelho
Colbert Coldwell
Alex K. Coney
Russell H. Cool
Ina Coolbrith
Joseph Coors
Harry Thomas Cory
Joseph B. Coryell
Gordon Coutts
John Cheever Cowden
Jennings S. Cox
Ray F. Coyle
George Creel
John C. Cremony
Charles H. Crocker
Charles Templeton Crocker
William H. Crocker
Joseph B. Crockett
Walter Cronkite
Melvin Earl Cummings
Wiliam Curlett
Charles S. Cushing
Sidney B. Cushing
Andrew McFarland Davis
Richmond P. Davis
Willis E. Davis
Paul W. de Fremery
George Bowen De Long
Eugene de Joly De Sabla, Jr.
Paolo De Vecchi
Walter E. Dean
Henry C. Dibble
Benjamin Dibblee
Charles John Dickman
Marshall Dill, Sr.
Edwin R. Dimond
Maynard Dixon
David F. Dodge
George D. Dornin
Kingman Douglass
T. W. Morgan Draper
William Henry Draper III
Hill Billies
Frank G. Drum
Allen Drury
John Eleuthère du Pont
Edward J. Duffey
William B. Dunning
Glenn S. Dumke
Guy C. Earl
Robert M. Eberle
Henry "Harry" Edwards
J. Paulding Edwards
Zoeth S. Eldredge
Felton B. Elkins
Dwight D. Eisenhower
George H. Evans
Richard Bunger Evans
Wallace W. Everett, Sr.
James J. Fagan
Charles W. Fay
Paul B. Fay
Philip R. Faymonville
Charles N. Felton
Watson D. Fennimore
Chester Bailey Fernald
Reginald Goodwin Fernald
Manuel Y. Ferrer
Edwin Feulner
Charles K. Charles K. Field
George Russell Field
Walter G. Filer
Bush Finnell
Leonard Firestone
Bud Fisher
Donald Fisher
Robert N. Fitch
Robert Howe Fletcher
James L. Flood
Ernest R. Folger
Frank M. Folsom
Harry Stuart Fonda
Lucius Harwood Foote
Honorary Life
Gerald Ford
Henry Ford
Joseph C. Ford
Tirey L. Ford
Sands W. Forman
Arthur W. Foster
Anthony M. Frank
J. Eugene Freeman
Paul Frenzeny
Emanuel Fritz
Jacob L. Fuller
William Parmer Fuller, Jr.
Evan G. Galbraith
Porter Garnett
Albert Geberding
Arnold Genthe
Henry George
David Gergen
Louis Glass
Mario Giannini
Arthur Hill Gilbert
Daniel Coit Gilman
Barry Goldwater
Geroge E. Goodfellow
Charles A. Gove
P. George Gow
Donald de V. Graham
Honorary Life
Joseph D. Grant
Enrique Grau
Harry Gray
Ellison C. Grayson, Jr.
Clarence R. Greathouse
Clay M. Greene
Honorary Life
Percy Grey
Willard M. Griffin
Joseph R. Grismer
Archibald Clavering Gunter
James F. Gurley
Isidore Gutte
Henry Kimball Hadley
Prentis Cobb Hale
Reuben B. Hale
Andrew B. Hammond
Theodore Michael Hampe
Lewis E. Hanchett
Allan Hancock
Arpad Haraszthy
Leigh Harline
William Greer Harrison
Jerome A. Hart
Bret Harte
Fred L. Hartley
J. Downey Harvey
Charles D. Haven
Alexander G. Hawes
S. I. Hayakawa
Thomas B. Hayward
William Randolph Hearst
Marcus H. Hecht
Francis J. Heney
Rudolph Herold, Jr.
Lester Herrick
William F. Herrin
William Reddington Hewlett
Henry Heyman
Barton Hill
Charles Barton Hill
Horace L. Hill
Thomas Hill
Ransome Gillett Holdridge
Oliver Wendell Holmes
William Hood
C. Osgood Hooker
Herbert Hoover
Cave Man
Richard M. Hotaling
Preston Hotchkis
William D. Houser
Jack R. Howard
Josiah Rowland Howell
Charles Franklin Humphrey
LeRoy P. Hunt
Henry Edwards Huntington
Rothwell Hyde
James Irvine
Henry Irving
Benoni Irwin
Joseph Irwin
Wallace Irwin
William Henry Irwin
Paul R. Isenberg
George I. Ives
Livingstone Jenks
Rufus P. Jennings
Charles Bartlett Johnson
Tom Johnson
David Charles Jones
Philip Mills Jones
Thomas Victor Jones
David Starr Jordan
Christian Jorgensen
Virgil W. Jorgenson
Charles Josselyn
Amedee Joullin
Charles Chapel Judson
Edgar F. Kaiser, Sr.
Henry J. Kaiser
David Kawānanakoa
Charles Keeler
William Keith
Charles Kendrick
Robert D. Kennedy
Frank G. Kenny
Clark Kerr
Wayside Log
John C. Kerr
Henry Kissinger
John Kluge
Andrew Knight
Joe Knowland
Joseph R. Knowland
Robert Krebs
Victor H. Krulak
Lucien Labaudt
James B. Lankershim
Roger Lapham
Barbour Lathrop
Lorenzo Latimer
William P. Lawlor
Ernest O. Lawrence
Sons of Toil
Stephen Leach
Dana Gibson Leavitt
John Lehman
William M. Lent
George Lette
Arthur Letts
Jacob B. Levison
Andrew L. Lewis, Jr.
Charles A. Lewis, Jr.
David S. Lewis, Jr.
Philip N. Lilienthal
Frederick L. Lipman
Sara Jane Lippincott
Louis Lisser
Edmund Wattis Littlefield
Jacques Littlefield
Reuben H. Lloyd
James B. Lockhart III
Maurice Logan
Jack London
Louis Lundborg
James K. Lynch
M. Hall McAllister
Atholl McBean
Jesse McCargar
John A. McCone
Alexander S. McDill
James M. McDonald
Mark L. McDonald
Duncan McDuffie
Dean McHenry
N. Loyall "Blackie" McLaren
Dennis McNeil
Pietro Mascagni
Frank L. Mathieu
Arthur Frank Mathews
Nino Marcelli
Ulderico Marcelli
Henry Marshall
Honorary Life
J. Howard Marshall
Robert Cecil Martin
Xavier Martínez
Bernard Maybeck
Clarence W. W. Mayhew
Stewart Menzies
J. Henry Meyer
Joaquin Miller
Ralph Moody
Arthur W. Moore
Gordon Moore
Jo Mora
Henry S. Morgan
Carlton E. Morse
Andrew J. Moulder
Gabriel Moulin
Thornwell Mullally
Ovide Musin
Benjamin F. Napthaly
Paul Neumann
Thomas Newcomb
Founding, Honorary
John Francis Neylan
Chester W. Nimitz
George S. Nixon
Charles Gilman Norris
Frank Norris
Daniel O'Connell
Sean O'Keefe
Wayside Log
David J. O'Reilly
Roland Oliver
William Letts Oliver
Samuel Osbourne
David Packard
Ignacy Jan Paderewski
Haig Patigian
William A. Patterson, Sr.
Edwin W. Pauley
Allen E. Paulson
Theodore F. Payne
Warren R. Payne
Edgar D. Peixotto
Rudolph A. Peterson
Timothy L. Pflueger
James D. Phelan
Herman Phleger
Gottardo Piazzoni
Irving Pichel
Horace Garvin Platt
Willis Polk
Colin Powell
Richard E. Queen
Ronald Reagan
Owl's Nest
Joseph D. Redding
Granville Redman
Carl E. Reichardt
William Henry Rhodes
William C. Richardson
Eddie Rickenbacker
Cave Man
William Ritschel
Julian Rix
George R. Roberts
Peter Robertson
Honorary Life
David Rockefeller, Jr.
David Rockefeller, Sr.
R. C. Rogers
Albert F. Roller
James Rolph, Jr.
Theodore Roosevelt
J. Thomas Rosch
William M. Roth
William Rulofson
Donald Rumsfeld
Wallace Arthur Sabin
Tommaso Salvini
J. H. Sayre
Herman George Scheffauer
Caspar Schenck
William Schwarzer
Charles Scripps
Glenn T. Seaborg
Frederick Seitz
Eugene Selvage
William T. Sesnon
George Shearing
Frederick Sherman
J. Wilson Shiels
George P. Shultz
Robert Sibley
John L. Simpson
H. E. Smith
William French Smith
Adolph B. Spreckels
Claus Spreckels
Robert Gordon Sproul
Ralph Stackpole
Kevin Starr
Paul Steindorff
H. Morse Stephens
George Sterling
Wallace Sterling
Cave Man
Roger L. Stevens
Guyford Stever
Humphrey John Stewart
Honorary Life
Charles Warren Stoddard
Michael P. W. Stone
Hill Billies
C. H. Stoutenborough
Vanderlynn Stow
Benjamin R. Swan
James Swinnerton
James W. Symington
Jules Tavernier
William Howard Taft
Alec Templeton
H. F. Teschemacher
Newton J. Tharp
John Charles Thomas
Lowell Thomas, Jr.
Cave Man
Lowell Thomas, Sr.
Cave Man
Lawrence Tibbett
Douglas Tilden
Joseph Tilden
Marvin Traub
Donald Tressider
Fred L. Turner
Mark Twain
F. L. Unger
Honorary Life
Frank van Sloun
Harry Volk
Lost Angels
Michael von Clemm
Uda Waldrop
William T. Wallace
Thomas Watson, Jr.
Albert Coady Wedemeyer
William V. Wells
F. Marion Wells
Raphael Weill
Caspar Weinberger
Isle of Aves
Carl Irving Wheat
Benjamin Ide Wheeler
Frederick Whymper
Ray Lyman Wilbur
John H. Williams
Virgil Williams
J. C. Williamson
Carey Wilson
Russell J. Wilson
William Winter
Honorary Life
Jean C. Witter
Dale Wood
Theodore Wores
Herman Wouk
Charles G. Yale
Honorary Life
Rodney A. Yoell
Waldemar Young
Earl Zindars
^ Peter Martin Phillips, A Relative Advantage: Sociology of the San Francisco Bohemian Club , 1994.
^ Bohemian Club Constitution, 1904
^ Bohemian Club, 1960
^ San Francisco Social Register, 1927.
^ Domhoff, G. William. Social Cohesion & the Bohemian Grove: The Power Elite at Summer Camp , April 2005. Retrieved on July 20, 2009.
^ Social register: San Francisco, including Oakland , 1918.
^ Bohemian Club, 1922
^ St. Mary's College of California. Hearst Art Gallery. Early Artists of the Bohemian Club . Retrieved on July 21, 2009.
^ Music Library Association, Northern California Chapter. Newsletter, Fall 2003. Michelle Squyer, Beyond Measure: L.S. Sherman and Sherman, Clay & Company, A San Francisco House of Music, 1870-1926 . Retrieved on July 23, 2009.
^ Coutts caricature of Herman George Scheffauer, photograph by Gabriel Moulin, Bohemian Grove 1908. Online Archive of California.
San Francisco Genealogy. Obits. "Da - Dg" . Retrieved on July 21, 2009.
^ Garnett, 1908.
Syukhtun Editions. Theo Radic, Manuel Y. Ferrer . Retrieved on July 21, 2009.
^ San Francisco Genealogy. Bohemian Club Officers and Members, 1905 . Retrieved on July 23, 2009.
San Francisco Genealogy. Obits. "Hs - Hz" . Retrieved on July 21, 2009.
Thorpe, James Ernest. Henry Edwards Huntington: a biography , University of California Press, 1994, p. 127. ISBN 0520082540
Pinchard, 1922, pp. 222–233
An Elite Alliance
Starr, Kevin. Material Dreams: Southern California through the 1920s , Oxford University Press US, 1990, p. 276. ISBN 0195044878
Social register: San Francisco , 1920.
Rhodes, William Henry ; edited by Daniel O'Connell . Caxton's Book: A Collection of Essays, Poems, Tales and Sketches , A. L. Bancroft, 1876
San Francisco Genealogy. Obits. "Tg - Tl" . Retrieved on July 21, 2009.
^ Maher, Michael J. John Charles Thomas: beloved baritone of American opera and popular music , McFarland, 2006, pp. 17, 120–125, 136, 160. ISBN 0786426683
California School for the Deaf. History: Douglas Tilden . Retrieved on July 21, 2009.
SF Weekly , July 29, 1998. Silke Tudor, "Night Crawler" . Retrieved on July 22, 2009.
Bohemian Club. Constitution, By-laws, and Rules, Officers, Committees, and Members , 1904
Bohemian Club. Semi-centennial high jinks in the Grove , July 28, 1922. Haig Patigian , Sire.
Bohemian Club. History, officers and committees, incorporation, constitution, by-laws and rules, former officers, members, in memoriam , 1960
Bohemian Club. History, officers and committees, incorporation, constitution, by-laws and rules, former officers, members, in memoriam , 1962
Domhoff, G. William. Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats: A Study in Ruling-Class Cohesiveness , Harper & Row, 1975. ISBN 0061318809
Dulfer & Hoag. Our Society Blue Book , San Francisco, Dulfer & Hoag, 1925.
Garnett, Porter, The Bohemian Jinks: A Treatise , 1908
Ogden, Dunbar H. (1990). Theatre West: Image and Impact . Rodopi. ISBN 9051831250 . {{cite book }}
: Unknown parameter |coauthors=
ignored (|author=
suggested) (help )
Pinchard, Marguerite M. The New society blue book; San Francisco, Oakland, Piedmont, Alameda , 1922, pp. 222–233.
Scheffauer, Herman George; Arthur Weiss; Bohemian Club. The Sons of Baldur , Bohemian Club, 1908.
Social Register. San Francisco Social Register, 1927. B
Stephens, Henry Morse; Wallace Arthur Sabin, Charles Caldwell Dobie, Bohemian Club. St. Patrick at Tara , 1909 Grove play
Wilson, Harry Leon; Domenico Brescia; Bohemian Club. Life , Bohemian Club, 1919.
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