Fiction books
- The Holographic Effect (Effect Holografic) (Albatros Publishing House, 1985)
- The White Hawk (Şoimul Alb) (Facla Publishing House, 1987)
- The Giant (Uriaşul cel Bun) (Ion Creanga Publishing House, 1989)
- The Neverending Road (Drumul fără Sfârşit) (Baricada Publishing House, 1991)
- The One who Comes from the Shadow (Cel care vine din Urmă) (Baricada Publishing House, 1993)
- The World of Hind (Lumea lui Hind) (Coresi Publishing House, 1998)
- The Sand Man (Omul de Nisip) (Image Publishing House, 2000)
- The Iron Maiden (Fecioara de Fier) (Coresi Publishing House, 2002; second edition, Pocket Book Publishing House, 2006; third edition Eagle Publishing House, 2015; fourth edition Tritonic Publishing House, 2017)
- The City Without Past (Cetatea fără trecut) (Nemira Publishing House, 2015)
- The Fortress (Fortăreaţa) (Tritonic Publishing House, 2016)
- Men and Gods, volume 1 of The Protectors trilogy (Oameni şi Zei, volumul 1 din trilogia Protectorii) (Tritonic Publishing House, 2017)
History books
- The Files of the Impossible (Dosarele Imposibilului) (Pocket Book, 2003)
- The Tunnel of Time (Tunelul Timpului) (Pocket Book, 2003)
- The Witches' Gate (Poarta Vrăjitoarelor) (Pocket Book, 2004, Nemira Publishing House 2015)
- Poltergeist: The Invisible Foes (Poltergeist: atacatori invizibili) (Pocket Book, 2005)
- The Mystery of the Parallel Worlds (Misterul Lumilor Paralele) (Pocket Book, 2006)
- Marooned in Time (Naufragiaţi în Timp) (Pocket Book, 2006)
- Voyages in timp and parallel worlds (Călătorii în timp şi Lumi paralele) ( Nemira Publishing House 2015)
- The Chronicles of the Impossible (Cronicile Imposibilului) ( Ed.ePublishers, 2015)
- The Vikings - Warrior of the Nord (Războinicii Nordului) ( Ed.ePublishers, 2015)
- Stir of Echoes (Ecouri din tenebre) ( Ed. Crux, 2016)
- Anthologist and translator of the mainstream/fantastic literature anthologies:
- Chronicles from the Forbbiden Worlds (2003)
- Hunters of the Other World (2006)
- Co-anthologist at the Antares anthologies with Dan Apostol, 4 volumes (1991–1995), specialised on ancient civilisations, unexplained phenomena and fantastic literature.
Translation works
- Dale Cooper, by S.Frost, 1993
- Lady Chatterley's Lover, by D.H.Lawrence, 1993
- La Feline Geante, by J.H.Rosny Aine, 1993
- Dans le Ombre de la Guillotine, by O.LeBaron, 1994
Literary Awards
- Award for the Best Foreign Story for the fantastic story The Darkness, at the International Festival of Fantastic Art (Annecy, France, 1996)
- Volaverunt Award for the fantastic story The Conquistador, at the Festival of Valencia (Spain, 2001)
- Award for the Best Foreign Novel awarded by Fantasia Art Association (Cornwall, Great Britain, 2005) for the historical novel The Iron Maiden
- The COLIN Award, 7-th edition, 2017, for The City Without Past, a fantastic short stories book.
See also
- John Clute, Peter Nicholls:The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, Orbit, London, 1993
- Nemira's Dictionary of Fantasy&Science-Fiction Romanian Writers, Nemira, Bucharest, 1999
- CDB's Catalogue of Authors, Pocket Book Publishing House, Bucharest, 2006
- Jean-Pierre Moumon: Antares Anthologies, La Valette, France, 1987 and 2008
- The Historian, Truro, Cornwall, Great Britain, 2006
- Romanian Writers Union site
- Today's Romanian Writers, Gates of the Orient Publishing House, Iasi, 2011
- Contemporanian Romanian Autors, Arial Publishing House, Ploiești, Romania, 2013
- Personalities from contemporary romanian women, Meronia Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013
- "PRO SPES (Pentru speranta)" (in Romanian). Caiete Silvane. 19 May 2007. Retrieved 22 May 2011.