Living languages covered in The World's Major Languages (2018 edition). Hyphens mean they are covered together in the same chapter (well, with the standard disclaimer about a certain South Slavic language).
Latin has a chapter and so does Sanskrit, but they are not really alive.
Turkish is covered with the other Turkic languages (but they are a dialect continuum anyway), but singled out in the title. Similarly Hausa, Tamil, and Swahili are covered with their families.
- English
- German
- Dutch
- Danish-Norwegian-Swedish
- French
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Italian
- Romanian
- Russian
- Polish
- Czech-Slovak
- Bosnian-Serbian-Croatian-Montenegrin
- Greek
- Hindi-Urdu
- Bengali
- Persian
- Pashto
- Hungarian
- Finnish
- Turkish
- Arabic
- Hebrew
- Amharic
- Hausa
- Tamil
- Thai
- Vietnamese
- Chinese
- Burmese
- Japanese
- Korean
- Malay-Indonesian
- Javanese
- Tagalog
- Yoruba
- Swahili