Gold Winner
Silver Winner
Best Aid or Accessory
Roleplaying Tips GM Encyclopedia (
Counter Collection Gold (Fiery Dragon Productions)
Best Art, Interior
Nocturnals: A Midnight Companion (Green Ronin Publishing)
Bestiary of Krynn (Sovereign Press)
Best Cartography
Thieves' Quarter (Green Ronin Publishing/The Game Mechanics)
Redhurst: Academy of Magic (Fast Forward Entertainment/Human Head Studios)
Best Graphic Design and Layout
Nocturnals: A Midnight Companion (Green Ronin Publishing)
Redhurst: Academy of Magic (Fast Forward Entertainment/Human Head Studios)
Best Art, Cover
Grimm (Fantasy Flight Games)
Arcana Unearthed (Malhavoc Press)
Best Official Website
Hero Games
Green Ronin Publishing
Best Publisher
Green Ronin Publishing
White Wolf
Best d20 Game
Arcana Unearthed (Malhavoc Press)
Grimm (Fantasy Flight Games)
Best Adventure
Lost City of Barakus (Troll Lord Games/Necromancer Games)
Black Sails Over Freeport (Green Ronin Publishing)
Best Campaign Setting
Dawnforge (Fantasy Flight Games)
Redhurst: Academy of Magic (Fast Forward Entertainment/Human Head Studios)
Best Setting Supplement
Crooks! (Green Ronin Publishing)
Thieves' Quarter (Green Ronin Publishing/The Game Mechanics)
Best Rules Supplement
Crime and Punishment (Atlas Games)
Torn Asunder (Bastion Press)
Best Monster Supplement
Crooks! (Green Ronin Publishing)
Bestiary of Krynn (Sovereign Press)
Best Revision, Update or Compilation
Complete Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc Press)
Book of Fiends (Green Ronin Publishing)
Best Non-d20 Game
Cthulhu Dark Ages (Chaosium)
HARP (High Adventure Role Playing) (Iron Crown Enterprises)
Best Non-d20 Supplement
Fantasy Hero (Hero Games)
50 Fathoms (Pinnacle Entertainment Group)
Best Non-d20 Setting or Setting Sourcebook
The Turakian Age (Hero Games)
To Go (Unknown Armies)(Atlas Games)
Best Non-d20 Adventure
Champions Battlegrounds (Hero Games)
Shades of Black (Champions) (Hero Games)
Best Licensed Product
Nocturnals: A Midnight Companion (Green Ronin Publishing)
Babylon 5 RPG (Mongoose Publishing)
Best Electronic Product
Sidewinder: Recoiled (Dog House Rules)
Roleplaying Tips GM encyclopedia (
Best Free Product or Web Enhancement
Initiative cards (The Game Mechanics)
Ezine Archives (
Best Fan Site