Best Web Series (Drama)
Best Web Series (Comedy)
Best Directing (Drama)
- Matt Eastman, Whatever, Linda
- Sebastian La Cause, Hustling
- Alexander JL Theoharis, Job Hunters
- Mike Donis, Jason Leaver and Navin Ramaswaran, Pete Winning and the Pirates
- Barry Dodd, Ragged Isle
- Paul Awad, Thurston
Best Directing (Comedy)
Best Lead Actor (Drama)
- Sebastian La Cause, Hustling
- Anthony Anderson, Anacostia
- Richard Cutting, Milgram and the Fastwalkers
- Mike Donis, Pete Winning and the Pirates
- Gianmarco Soresi, Small Miracles
- Matt Wolf, We Are Angels
Best Lead Actor (Comedy)
Best Lead Actress (Drama)
Best Lead Actress (Comedy)
- Jackie Geary, Jon and Jen are Married
- Tiffany Berube, The Tiffany and Erin Show
- Jillian Clare, Acting Dead
- Becky Kramer, Jewvangelist
- Mhairi Morrison, Feathers and Toast
- Minae Noji, Love Midori
Best Supporting Actor (Drama)
- Judd Hirsch, Small Miracles
- Garrett Brennan, Thurston
- Andrew Glaszek, Hustling
- Eme Ikwuakor, We Are Angels
- Gerald McCullouch, Hustling
- Gordon Thomson, DeVanity
Best Supporting Actor (Comedy)
- Chris Galya, Acting Dead
- Sean Eden, High Road
- Gibson Frazier, Wallflowers
- Dominic Rains, Love Midori
- Mike Rock, Jon and Jen are Married
- Graham Shiels, Love Midori
Best Supporting Actress (Drama)
- Sharon Washington, Hustling
Best Supporting Actress (Comedy)
- Alexandra Paul, Mentor
- Debbie Gibson, Acting Dead
- Alexandra Jordan, High Road
- Susan Louise O'Connor, Wallflowers
- Kim Strother, Down Dog
- Janet Walmsley, Single & Dating in Vancouver
Best Ensemble (Drama)
- Anacostia
- The Dreamers
- Hustling
- L.A. Macabre
- Producing Juliet
- Thurston
Best Ensemble (Comedy)
Best Guest Actor (Drama)
Best Guest Actor (Comedy)
- Peter Allen Vogt, Acting Dead
Best Guest Actress (Drama)
Best Guest Actress (Comedy)
- Megan Duffy, Dating Pains
Best Writing (Drama)
- Moshe Mones, Small Miracles
Best Writing (Comedy)
- Brian Beacock, Acting Dead
Best Production Design (All Shows)
- DeVanity - Michael Caruso and Barbara Caruso
- Acting Dead - Danny Cistone and Shannon Fitzgerald
- Capitol Hill - Christopher Balder
- Gays - Peter William Dunn
- Small Miracles - Jesika Farkas
- Thurston - Kathryn O'Sullivan and Paul Awad
Best Cinematography (All shows)
- Thurston - Paul Awad
- Capitol Hill - Vincent Pierce
- DeVanity - Rodolphe Portier
- Ragged Isle - Derek Kimball. David C. Miller and Barry Dodd
- Still - Jonathan Holbrook
- We Are Angels - Aaron Garcia
Best Soundtrack (All Shows)
- Wallflowers - Kieran Turner and Michael Turner
- Altruman - Robin Geradts-Gill
- The Dreamers - Kelsey Jorissen
- Gays - Peter William Dunn
- People You Know - John Dylan DeLaTorre and Baltimore Russell
- Ragged Isle - Barry Dodd
Best Original Score (All shows)
- Pete Winning and the Pirates - Aaron Tsang
Best Editing (All Shows)
- We Are Angels - Aaron Garcia
Best Visual/Special Effects (All Shows)
- Milgram and the Fastwalkers - George Canzaniello
Best Costume Design (All Shows)
- Capitol Hill - Harmony Arnold
- Chop Socky Boom - Cherelle Ashby and Jonelle Cornwell
- LARPs: The Series - Samuel Gagnon-Tremblay
- Small Miracles - Julie Saltman
- Standard Action - Vanessa Driveness
- Thurston - Kathryn O'Sullivan
Best Makeup (All Shows)