Canadian animated series
ABC with Kenny G is a Canadian animated series developed and produced at Big Bad Boo Studios in Vancouver. The musical ABC series is a spin-off from 16 Hudson. The series is about Kensington, Lili's cat from 16 Hudson, who dresses up as a singer and goes down to the Milk & Cookies Jazz club at night, when the humans are sleeping, to teach his animal friends the ABCs. Marcus Mosley is the main performer in the role of Kensington. He is a gospel singer based in Vancouver.
ABC with Kenny G is created and directed by Shabnam Rezaei and airs on TVOKids, Ici Radio-Canada Télé, Knowledge Kids and TFO.
- "ABC With Kenny G". Big Bad Boo. Retrieved January 31, 2022.
- "Big Bad Boo Expands 16 Hudson World". Kidscreen Magazine Article by Lauren Malyk. November 26, 2019. Retrieved January 31, 2022.
- "Big Bad Boo Taps Marcus Mosely as 'ABC with Kenny G' Lead by Mercedes Milligan". Animation Magazine Article. August 10, 2020. Retrieved December 8, 2022.
- "'ABC with Kenny G' Gets in Tune for NorAm Premiere by Mercedes Milligan". Animation Magazine Article. July 9, 2020. Retrieved January 31, 2022.
External links
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- 2020s Canadian animated television series
- 2020s Canadian children's television series
- 2020s preschool education television series
- 2021 Canadian television series debuts
- TVO original programming
- Canadian animated television spin-offs
- Canadian children's animated musical television series
- Canadian flash animated television series
- Canadian preschool education television series
- Animated preschool education television series
- Animated television series about cats
- Canadian children's television show stubs