Dolly Roll was a Hungarian pop band, which was established in 1983 from the ex-members of the band Hungária. Their first LP, Vakáció-ó-ó sold 250 thousand copies within two months. In 1984, they went on a tour in Hungary, performing in 50 places. They released a new album every year. In both 1986-87 and 1992 the band went through some changes in membership. In 1998, they held a concert in Budapest Sportcsarnok. In 2017, their lead singer, Dolly announced, that the band will cease to perform. Throughout their first thirty years, they sold more than five million records.
1983–1987 |
1987–1990 |
1990–1992 |
1992– |
- Vakáció-ó-ó (1983)
- Eldoradoll (1984)
- Happy cocktail (1985)
- Oh-la-la (1986)
- Játék az élet (1987)
- Zakatol a szív (1988)
- Országúti randevú (1988) (compilation)
- Dupla vagy semmi (1989)
- Ábrándos szép napok (1989)
- Ébreszd fel a szívemet (1990)
- Rég volt, szép volt (1990)
- Gondolsz-e majd rám (1991)
- Rock & Roll-ra Hívlak! (1992)
- Beat turmix '60 1 (1993)
- Tipi-Tapi Dinó (1993)
- Simogass napsugár (1993) (compilation)
- Beat turmix '60 2 (1994)
- Tipi-Tapi Party (1994)
- Dolly Roll Gold (1995) (compilation)
- Atlanta Rá-rá-rá, hajrá!!! (1996)
- Tipi-Tapi Csodaországban (1997)
- Dolly Roll ReMix '98 (1998) (compilation)
- Vakáció-ó-ó '98 (1998) (live album)
- Poperett (1999)
- Dolly Jubileumi Koncert (2003) (live album)
- Plussz... (2005)
- Karácsony (2009)
- Emlékszel még - Best Of (2009) (compilation)
- Dolly Roll
- Nincs többé Dolly Roll, 2017.02.12.
- DOLLY ROLL Archived 2017-04-03 at the Wayback Machine Tasko Koncert