Eve in a Summer Dress (夏服のイヴ) is a Japanese romance film directed by Kyoshi Nishimura and released in Japan on July 7, 1984, distributed by Toho. It is the third film to star Seiko Matsuda (following The Tomb of the Wild Chrysanthemums [ja] and The Legend of the Plumeria [ja]).
Makiko, a country girl who wishes to become a kindergarten teacher, goes to Tokyo and falls in love with Hidekazu, an aspiring writer.
- Makiko Fujieda: Seiko Matsuda
- Hidekazu Nishimaru: Kenji Haga
- Kayo Sakurai: Akiko Kazami
- Akira Munekata: Masaki Yamakoshi
- Sumire Munakata: Mitsuko Kondo
- Yuzu Munakata: Kae Kondo
- Misao Iida: Iwaki Tokuei
- Akiko Ejiri: Junko Asahina
- Ryoichi Fujieda: Akira Nagoya
- Shinobu Fujieda: Sakura Kamo
- Hiroshi Fujieda: Kei Sakano
- Kindergarten Principal: Sachio Sakai
- Jimmy Lawrence: David Teleford
- Jane Lawrence: Janice Gray
- Joe Lawrence: Greg Wright
- David Lawrence: Marcellus Vanfast
- Tomiko Nishimaru: Yoko Nogiri
- Seiichiro Munakata: Masami Kondo
Theme song
- Seiko Matsuda "Summer Eve" (Publisher: CBS Sony)
- 映画大全集 (in Japanese). メタモル出版. 1998-11-26. ISBN 978-4-89595-216-3.
- 東宝スタジオ展: 映画 (in Japanese). 世田谷美術館. 2015.
- 出版ニュ-ス (in Japanese). 日本出版配給会社. 1984.
- "松田聖子の映画主題歌「夏服のイヴ」松本隆が描いた歌詞はアダムとイヴの世界". reminder.top (in Japanese). Retrieved 2023-07-09.
- シナリオ (in Japanese). シナリオ作家協会. 1984.
External links
- Summer Eve at IMDb