In the scientific discipline of economics, the Econometric Society is a learned society devoted to the advancement of economics by using mathematical and statistical methods. This article is a list of its (current and in memory) fellows.
- Luigi Amoroso
- Oskar N. Anderson
- Albert Aupetit [fr]
- Pasquale Boninsegni [pms]
- A. L. Bowley
- Clément Colson
- Gustavo Del Vecchio
- François Divisia
- Griffith C. Evans
- Irving Fisher
- Ragnar Frisch
- Corrado Gini
- Gottfried Haberler
- Harold Hotelling
- John M. Keynes
- N. D. Kondratiev
- Wesley C. Mitchell
- H. L. Moore
- Umberto Ricci
- Charles F. Roos
- M. Jacques Rueff
- Erich Schneider [de]
- Henry Schultz
- Joseph A. Schumpeter
- J. Tinbergen
- Felice Vinci
- Edwin B. Wilson
- Wł. Zawadzki [pl]
- Frederik Zeuthen
- William Leonard Crum
- Harold Thayer Davis
- T. Koopmans
- Simon S. Kuznets
- Frederick Cecil Mills
- Gunnar Myrdal
- Gerhard Tintner
- Abraham Wald
- J.M Clark
- Friedrich A. Hayek
- Leonid Hurwicz
- Erik Lindahl
- Arthur Smithies
- John von Neumann
- Frederick V. Waugh
- Samuel S. Wilks
- Holbrook Working
- Arthur F. Burns
- J. B. D. Derksen
- Luigi Einaudi
- Robert Gibrat [fr]
- Lawrence R. Klein
- Abba P. Lerner
- Lloyd A. Metzler
- Egon S. Pearson
- Walter A. Shewhart
- Maurice Allais
- Abram Bergson
- Bernard Chait
- Milton Friedman
- M. G. Kendall
- P.C. Mahalanobis
- Franco Modigliani
- Johan Åkerman
- T. W. Anderson
- Dorothy S. Brady
- R. Maurice Fréchet
- Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen
- Alvin H. Hansen
- Oskar Morgenstern
- Jerzy Neyman
- Kenneth J. Arrow
- Robert Charles Geary
- Richard M. Goodwin
- Georges-Théodule Guilbaud [fr]
- R. F. Harrod
- Leo Törnqvist
- Martin J. Beckmann
- Hollis B. Chenery
- Bent Hansen [it; ru]
- Lionel W. McKenzie
- Michio Morishima
- Thomson M. Whitin
- Albert Ando
- R. L. Basmann
- James S. Duesenberry
- Edward J. Hannan
- Leif Johansen
- Nissan Liviatan
- John R. Meyer
- Takashi Negishi
- George J. Stigler
- Daniel B. Suits
- Gary Becker
- Michael Bruno
- Gregory C. Chow
- Carl F. Christ
- James Durbin
- Walter D. Fisher
- Arnold Harberger
- Jacques Lesourne
- Edmund S. Phelps
- Lloyd S. Shapley
- William S. Vickrey
- Irma Adelman
- Anton P. Barten
- Peter A. Diamond
- Evsey D. Domar
- Arthur Hanau [de]
- John C. Harsanyi
- Charles J. Hitch
- Ken-Ichi Inada
- János Kornai
- Benoit Mandelbrot
- John F. Muth
- Richard E. Quandt
- Amartya Sen
- Lester Telser
- Carl von Weizsäcker
- Ragnar Bentzel [sv]
- Sukhamoy Chakraborty
- Phoebus J. Dhrymes
- Otto Eckstein
- Martin Feldstein
- Edwin Mansfield
- Daniel McFadden
- James Mirrlees
- Yair Mundlak
- A. L. Nagar
- Stanley Reiter
- Wiesław Sadowski [pl]
- T. N. Srinivasan
- Karl Vind [da]
- Menahem Yaari
- Pietro Balestra
- Rex Bergstrom
- András Bródy [hu]
- Nikolay P. Fedorenko
- William Fellner
- Robert W. Fogel
- Werner Hildenbrand
- Charles C. Holt
- Ronald W. Jones
- Murray C. Kemp
- Mordecai Kurz
- David Levhari
- John Lintner
- Arthur Okun
- Ronald W. Shephard
- Eytan Sheshinski
- Martin Shubik
- Jean Waelbroeck
- Alan A. Walter
- Tsunehiko Watanabe [ja]
- David Cass
- J. S. Cramer
- R. E. Gomory
- C. W. J. Granger
- Harry G. Johnson
- Leonid V. Kantorovich
- Kevin J. Lancaster
- Richard G. Lipsey
- Jacob Mincer
- C. R. Rao
- Karl Shell
- Hugo Sonnenschein
- R. J. Ball
- Jagdish Bhagwati
- Anne Carter
- Eugene F. Fama
- Stephen M. Goldfeld
- Robert E. Hall
- Serge-Christophe Kolm
- Assar Lindbeck
- Bagicha Singh Minhas
- Jan Mossin
- Krzysztof Porwit [pl]
- Reinhard Selten
- Joseph E. Stiglitz
- Takeshi Amemiya
- A. B. Atkinson
- W. A. Brock
- Peter C. Fishburn
- J. M. Grandmont [fr]
- Michio Hatanaka [ja]
- John W. Pratt
- Marcel K. Richter
- Michael Rothschild
- Christopher A. Sims
- Dennis J. Aigner
- C. J. Bliss
- William C. Brainard
- Phillip Cagan
- Partha Dasgupta
- Paul A. David
- W. E. Diewert
- Jerry R. Green
- Giora Hanoch
- David Forbes Hendry
- William C. Hood
- A. A. Konüs [it]
- Robert E. Lucas, Jr.
- G. S. Maddala
- Thomas A. Marschak
- Merton H. Miller
- Walter Y. Oi
- Ivor F. Pearce
- Howard Raiffa
- David A. Starrett
- Kenneth F. Wallis
- S. N. Afriat
- G. Christopher Archibald
- Yoram Ben-Porath
- Irwin Friend
- Claude Henry
- Donald D. Hester
- Lawrence J. Lau
- Mukul Majumdar
- Rolf R. Mantel [es]
- Stephen Marglin
- Sherwin Rosen
- Agnar Sandmo
- Thomas J. Sargent
- Peter Schönfeld
- Andrew Michael Spence
- Harold W. Watts
- Martin Weitzman
- Oliver E. Williamson
- Robert Wilson
- Orley Ashenfelter
- Richard M. Cyert
- Avinash Dixit
- Ray C. Fair
- Stanley Fischer
- James W. Friedman
- Robert J. Gordon
- Theodore Groves [fr; de]
- Peter J. Hammond
- Geoffrey Martin Heal
- Bert G. Hickman
- Edward E. Leamer
- John Ledyard
- Albert Madansky
- Andreu Mas-Colell
- Bezalel Peleg
- Robert A. Pollak
- Thomas J. Rothenberg
- Dieter Sondermann
- Paul Taubman
- Abel Gesevich Aganbegyan
- Masanao Aoki
- Truman F. Bewley
- Edwin Burmeister
- Robert W. Clower
- Otto A. Davis
- Angus S. Deaton
- Rudi Dornbusch
- Koichi Hamada
- Yakar Kannai
- Teun Kloek
- Jean-Jacques Laffont
- Valery L. Makarov [de; ru]
- Jean-Claude Milleron
- Leonard J. Mirman
- Dale T. Mortensen
- András Nagy
- Luigi L. Pasinetti
- Prasanta K. Pattanaik
- András Prékopa
- F. Graham Pyatt
- J. Trout Rader, III
- Stephen A. Ross
- Takamitsu Sawa [ja]
- José Alexandre Scheinkman
- Nicholas H. Stern
- Witold Trzeciakowski [pl]
- Sidney G. Winter
- Sewall Wright
- Yves Younès
- George Akerlof
- Maria Augustinovics
- Morris H. DeGroot
- Jean Jaskold Gabszewicz
- Oliver Hart
- Jerry A. Hausman
- Richard Kihlstrom
- Irving Bernard Kravis
- Guy Laroque [fr]
- John Muellbauer
- Robert A. Mundell
- Philip S. Wolfe
- Yves Balasko
- Robert J. Barro
- Jere R. Behrman
- Duncan Black
- Sanford Grossman
- Roger Guesnerie
- James J. Heckman
- James S. Jordan, Jr.
- Jan Kmenta
- Michael C. Lovell
- Harold F. Lydall
- Stephen J. Nickell
- Louis Phlips
- Edward C. Prescott
- Jean-François Richard
- David Schmeidler
- Robert J. Shiller
- Finis Welch
- Masahiko Aoki
- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- Alan S. Blinder
- Donald Brown
- Gary Chamberlain
- Paul Champsaur [fr]
- Robert F. Engle
- Birgit Grodal
- Martin F. Hellwig
- David M. Kreps
- Anne O. Krueger
- Eric Maskin
- Jean-François Mertens
- Peter Charles Bonest Phillips
- Stephen J. Turnovsky
- Neil Wallace
- Robert D. Willig
- Richard A. Easterlin
- Jacob A. Frenkel
- John W. Geweke
- Michael D. Intriligator
- Mervyn A. King
- Béla Martos
- D. John Roberts
- Richard L. Schmalensee
- Stephen Smale
- Charles A. Wilson
- Beth E. Allen
- Bengt R. Holmström
- Robert C. Merton
- Paul Milgrom
- Hervé Moulin
- Roger B. Myerson
- Richard D. Portes
- John G. Riley
- Alvin E. Roth
- Hal R. Varian
- Halbert L. White, Jr.
- Claude d'Aspremont
- Allan F. Gibbard
- Lars Peter Hansen
- Charles F. Manski
- William D. Nordhaus
- Joseph M. Ostroy
- Kevin W. S. Roberts
- Myron S. Scholes
- John B. Shoven
- John B. Taylor
- Olivier Jean Blanchard
- A. Ronald Gallant
- Sergiu Hart
- Jack Hirshleifer
- Alberto Holly
- Alain Monfort [fr]
- A. R. Pagan
- Charles R. Plott
- Andrew Postlewaite
- Ariel Rubinstein
- N. Eugene Savin
- Lawrence H. Summers
- Robert M. Townsend
- Alan Auerbach
- François Bourguignon
- Egbert Dierker
- Louis Gevers
- Christian Gouriéroux
- Reuben Gronau
- Elhanan Helpman
- George G. Judge
- Heinz König
- Paul R. Krugman
- Richard Layard
- Jacques Mairesse
- Chikashi Moriguchi [ja]
- Michael Mussa
- John E. Roemer
- Harvey Rosen
- Robert W. Rosenthal
- Jeffrey Sachs
- Mark A. Satterthwaite
- Jean Tirole
- David A. Wise
- Robert M. Anderson
- Aloisio Araujo
- Kenneth George Binmore
- Drew Fudenberg
- Douglas M. Gale
- Edward J. Green
- Thomas E. MaCurdy
- J. Peter Neary
- Vernon L. Smith
- Nancy L. Stokey
- Salvador Barberà [es]
- Charles Blackorby
- Henry Farber
- Milton Harris
- Fumio Hayashi
- Paul L. Joskow
- Ehud Kalai
- Edward Lazear
- Ariél Pakes
- James Michael Poterba
- Alan A. Powell
- Peter Schmidt
- Steven Shavell
- Ken Singleton
- Alan. D. Woodland
- Donald W. K. Andrews
- Costas Azariadis
- Larry G. Epstein
- John Geanakoplos
- Boyan Jovanovic
- Kenneth L. Judd
- Nicholas M. Kiefer
- David K. Levine
- Mark Machina
- Michael Maschler
- John Moore
- D. M. G. Newbery
- Whitney Newey
- Abraham Neyman
- M. Hashem Pesaran
- Victor Polterovich
- Robert H. Porter
- Jennifer F. Reinganum
- Peter M. Robinson
- Richard Roll
- Robert Summers
- Andrew Weiss
- Richard J. Zeckhauser
- David P. Baron
- Timothy F. Bresnahan
- Jeremy I. Bulow
- John Y. Campbell
- JOHN C. Cox
- Vincent P. Crawford
- Douglas W. Diamond
- Pradeep Dubey
- Louis-André Gérard-Varet
- Andrew C. Harvey
- Alan P. Kirman
- Lung-Fei Lee
- James MacKinnon
- John F. Nash
- Masahiro Okuno-Fujiwara [ja]
- James L. Powell
- Paul Romer
- Julio J. Rotemberg
- Joel Sobel
- Kotaro Suzumura
- Lars E. O. Svensson
- William Thomson
- John Whalley
- Andrew B. Abel
- Dilip Abreu
- Kaushik Basu
- B. Douglas Bernheim
- Richard Blundell
- Trevor S. Breusch
- David Card
- Richard H. Day [de]
- Gabrielle Demange
- Wilfred J. Ethier
- Claudia Goldin
- Timothy J. Kehoe
- Elon Kohlberg
- Anthony Lancaster
- David Pearce
- Herakles Polemarchakis
- Kenneth S. Rogoff
- Avner Shaked
- Joaquim Silvestre
- Thomas M. Stoker
- John Sutton
- Asher Wolinsky
- Michael Woodford
- Jess Benhabib
- Andrew S. Caplin
- Jacques Crémer
- Gene M. Grossman
- Takatoshi Ito
- Laurence J. Kotlikoff
- Finn E. Kydland
- Steve Matthews
- Bennett T. McCallum
- Kazuo Nishimura [ja]
- James H. Stock
- Jacques-François Thisse
- Xavier Vives
- Mark W. Watson
- Shmuel Zamir
- Philippe Aghion
- Patrick Bolton
- Christophe Chamley
- Eric van Damme
- Manfred Deistler
- Mathias Dewatripont
- Wayne A. Fuller
- Daniel Kahneman
- Lawrence Katz
- John H. Pencavel
- Robert S. Pindyck
- Debraj Ray
- John Rust
- Andrei Shleifer
- Amos Tversky
- Kenneth D. West
- Michael D. Whinston
- W. Brian Arthur
- Roland Bénabou
- Ernst R. Berndt
- Stephen R. Cosslett
- Russell Davidson
- Peter Howitt
- Arie Kapteyn
- Paul Klemperer
- Glenn C. Loury
- Richard D. McKelvey
- Assaf Razin
- Michael H. Riordan
- Mark Rosenzweig
- Larry Samuelson
- Wayne J. Shafer
- George Tauchen
- Peyton Young
- William R. Zame
- Abhijit V. Banerjee
- Guillermo A. Calvo
- Pierre-André Chiappori
- J. Darrell Duffie
- Jonathan Eaton
- Roger H. Gordon
- Bo Honoré
- Larry E. Jones
- George J. Mailath
- Rosa L. Matzkin
- R. Preston McAfee
- Thomas R. Palfrey
- Dale J. Poirier
- Rafael Robb
- Jean-Charles Rochet [ru]
- Kenneth I. Wolpin
- Joseph G. Altonji
- Jeffrey S. Banks
- Martin Browning
- Russell Cooper
- Eddie Dekel
- Bhaskar Dutta
- Faruk Gül
- Daniel S. Hamermesh
- James D. Hamilton
- Joel Horowitz
- Cheng Hsiao
- Morton I. Kamien
- Alan B. Krueger
- Maurice Obstfeld
- Philip Reny
- Anthony F. Shorrocks
- Ben S. Bernanke
- Steven Neil Durlauf
- David Easley
- Martin S. Eichenbaum
- Françoise Forges
- Nobuhiro Kiyotaki
- John J. McCall
- John McMillan
- Tapan Mitra
- Robert A. Moffitt
- Torsten Persson
- Christopher A. Pissarides
- Quang H. Vuong
- Randall Wright
- Joshua Angrist
- Lawrence E. Blume
- George J. Borjas
- Ricardo Caballero
- Varadarajan V. Chari
- Thomas F. Cooley
- Francis X. Diebold
- Jean-Marie Dufour
- Mark Gertler
- Matthew O. Jackson
- Roger Koenker
- Margaret A. Meyer
- Eric Renault
- Patrick Rey
- Dov E. Samet
- John Vickers
- Steven Berry
- Tim Bollerslev
- Kenneth Burdett
- Colin F. Camerer
- Andrew Chesher
- Avner Greif
- Seppo Honkapohja
- Michihiro Kandori
- Kiminori Matsuyama
- Costas Meghir
- Motty Perry
- William P. Rogerson
- Jörgen Weibull [sv]
- Ted Bergstrom
- Timothy J. Besley
- Zvi Eckstein
- Glenn Ellison
- Itzhak Gilboa
- Bruce E. Hansen
- Hugo A. Hopenhayn
- Søren Johansen
- Patrick J. Kehoe [es]
- Michael Magill
- Wolfgang Pesendorfer
- Martine Quinzii
- Matthew Rabin
- Sylvain Sorin
- Orazio Attanasio
- Lawrence Christiano
- John Cochrane
- Guido Imbens
- Edi Karni
- Ehud Lehrer
- Bernard Salanié
- Ennio Stacchetti [de]
- Guido Tabellini
- Myrna Wooders
- Yacine Aït-Sahalia
- Alberto F. Alesina
- Manuel Arellano
- Michele Boldrin
- In-Koo Cho
- John Conlisk
- Raymond Deneckere
- Joseph Farrell
- Robert Gibbons
- Vijay Krishna
- Albert S. (Pete) Kyle
- Andrew W. Lo
- Stephen Morris
- Joon Y. Park
- Rafael Repullo [es]
- Chris Shannon
- Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
- Kalyan Chatterjee
- Dennis Epple
- Roger E. A. Farmer
- Jordi Galí
- Jinyong Hahn
- V. Joseph Hotz
- John Kagel [de]
- Arthur Lewbel
- Hitoshi Matsushima [ja]
- Charles R. Nelson [de]
- Martin J. Osborne
- Geert Ridder
- Paul A. Ruud
- Ilya Segal
- Arunava Sen
- Tayfun Sönmez
- Marilda Antonia de Oliveira Sotomayor
- Harald Uhlig
- Anthony J. Venables
- Peter Wakker
- Anat Admati
- Susan Athey
- John Bound
- Adam Brandenburger
- Stephen Coate
- Pinelopi K. Goldberg
- Christopher J. Harris
- Kenneth Hendricks
- Philippe Jehiel
- Steven Levitt
- Benny Moldovanu
- Aldo Rustichini
- Neil Shephard
- Hyun-Song Shin
- Jeroen Swinkels
- Daron Acemoğlu
- Andrew G. Atkeson
- Kyle Bagwell
- Herman J. Bierens
- Edward L. Glaeser
- Michael P. Keane
- John Kennan
- Narayana Kocherlakota
- Barton L. Lipman
- W. Bentley MacLeod
- James M. Malcomson
- David Martimort
- Richard D. Rogerson
- Christopher Udry
- Fernando Alvarez
- Lawrence M. Ausubel
- Dirk Bergemann
- Xiaohong Chen
- John C. Heaton
- Hidehiko Ichimura [ja]
- Oliver Linton
- Alessandro Lizzeri
- Pierre Perron
- Michael Peters
- José Víctor Ríos Rull
- Arthur Robson
- Thomas C. Schelling
- Richard J. Smith
- Jonathan P. Thomas
- Juuso Välimäki [fi]
- Torben G. Andersen
- Mark Armstrong
- Martin Cripps
- Ernst Fehr
- Jeremy Greenwood
- Phil Haile
- Ian Jewitt
- Michael Kremer
- Jonathan Levin
- Akihiko Matsui
- Marc Melitz
- Dilip Mookherjee
- Monika Piazzesi
- Robert W. Staiger
- Elie Tamer
- Helmut Bester
- Anne C. Case
- Yeon-Koo Che
- Victor Chernozhukov
- Jeffrey Ely
- Han Hong
- Mamoru Kaneko [ja]
- Yuichi Kitamura [ja]
- Robert Duncan Luce
- Thierry Magnac
- Roberto S. Mariano
- Cesar Martinelli
- Paulo Klinger Monteiro
- Kimio Morimune [ja]
- John Nachbar
- Juan Pablo Nicolini
- Manuel Santos
- Lones Smith
- Petra E. Todd
- Mark Walker
- Lin Zhou
- Franklin Allen
- Bruno Biais
- Peter Bossaerts
- Markus K. Brunnermeier
- Parkash Chander
- Esther Duflo
- Jean-Pierre Florens
- Robert G. King
- Felix Kubler
- Ignacio N. Lobato
- George Loewenstein
- Pablo Andrés Neumeyer
- John Quiggin
- Klaus M. Schmidt
- T. Paul Schultz
- Yoon-Jae Whang
- James Andreoni
- Pierpaolo Battigalli
- Nicholas Bloom
- Hongbin Cai
- Soo Hong Chew
- Xavier Gabaix
- Johannes Hörner
- Thomas J. Holmes
- Samuel S. Kortum
- David Laibson
- Albert Marcet
- Joel Mokyr
- Mariano Tommasi
- Edward J. Vytlacil
- Joel Watson
- Fabrizio Zilibotti
- David Austen-Smith
- Alberto Bisin [it]
- Raj Chetty
- Liran Einav
- Eduardo Engel
- Amy Finkelstein
- Jacob Goeree [de]
- Christian Gollier [fr]
- Simon Grant
- Atsushi Kajii [ja]
- Rachel Kranton
- Ellen R. McGrattan
- Antonio Merlo
- Marcelo Moreira
- Yingyi Qian
- Suzanne Scotchmer
- Uzi Segal
- Enrique Sentana [es]
- Andrzej Skrzypacz [pl]
- Richard Thaler
- John Van Reenen
- Stanley E. Zin
- Jushan Bai
- Marianne Bertrand
- Judith Chevalier
- Olivier Compte
- Janet Currie
- Keisuke Hirano [ja]
- Ali Hortaçsu
- Francis Kramarz
- Massimo Marinacci
- Aviv Nevo
- Thomas Piketty
- Andrea Prat
- Hélène Rey
- Roberto Serrano
- Jeremy Stein
- Kjetil Storesletten
- Gerard van den Berg
- Iván Werning
- Junsen Zhang
- John M. Abowd
- David Autor
- Marco Battaglini
- Matthew Gentzkow
- Mikhail Golosov
- Bruno Jullien
- Pete Klenow
- Sokbae Lee
- Thomas Mariotti
- Ulrich Müller
- Emmanuel Saez
- Susanne Schennach
- Rani Spiegler
- Janet L. Yellen
- George-Marios Angeletos
- Pol Antràs
- Patrick Bajari
- C. Lanier Benkard
- Harold Cole
- Emmanuel Farhi
- Michael Greenstone
- Igal Hendel
- John A. List
- Serena Ng
- Martin Pesendorfer
- Christopher Phelan
- Francis Vella
- Alberto Abadie
- Oriana Bandiera
- Jean-Pierre Benoît
- Raquel Fernández
- Rachel Griffith
- Jonathan Gruber
- John Haltiwanger
- Enrico Moretti
- Parag Pathak
- Luigi Pistaferri
- Lucrezia Reichlin
- Giovanni L. Violante
- Rajiv Vohra
- Annette Vissing-Jørgensen
- John Wooders
- Yves Zenou
- Elchanan Ben-Porath
- Mark Bils
- Stéphane Bonhomme
- Dave Donaldson
- Juan Dubra
- Robert C. Feenstra
- Sergio Firpo
- Richard Holden
- Elyès Jouini
- Eliana La Ferrara
- Robert A. Miller
- Muriel Niederle
- Michele Piccione
- Jack Porter
- Esteban Rossi-Hansberg
- Yuliy Sannikov
- Jesse Shapiro
- Michèle Tertilt
- Leeat Yariv
- Tao Zha
- Mark Aguiar
- Peter Arcidiacono
- Jan De Loecker
- Pascaline Dupas
- Hanming Fang
- Chaim Fershtman
- Roland Fryer
- Masahisa Fujita
- Gita Gopinath
- Sanjeev Goyal
- Yongmiao Hong
- Philipp Kircher
- Nour Meddahi
- Claudio Mezzetti
- Anna Mikusheva
- Fabien Postel-Vinay
- Valerie A. Ramey
- Frank Schorfheide
- Azeem M. Shaikh
- Christopher Taber
- Jaume Ventura
- Leonard Wantchekon
- Alison Booth
- Francesco Caselli
- Sylvain Chassang
- Jan Eeckhout [nl]
- Claudio Ferraz
- Kate Ho
- Guido Lorenzoni
- Juan-Pablo Montero
- Yaw Nyarko
- Nicola Persico
- Ricardo Reis
- Barbara Rossi
- Bruno Strulovici
- Tomasz Strzalecki
- Manuel Amador
- Isaiah Andrews
- Raouf Boucekkine
- Moshe Buchinsky
- Aureo de Paula
- Melissa Dell
- Peter DeMarzo
- Habiba Djebbari
- Matthias Doepke
- Federico Echenique
- Chris Edmond
- Joan María Esteban [ca; es]
- Jesús Fernández-Villaverde
- Christopher J. Flinn
- Nicola Fuchs-Schündeln
- Alfred Galichon
- Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas
- Kaddour Hadri
- Marina Halac
- Charles I. Jones
- Emir Kamenica
- Greg Kaplan
- Maxwell King
- Dirk Krueger
- Gilat Levy
- Francesca Molinari
- Massimo Morelli
- Jessica Pan
- Alessandro Pavan
- Thomas Philippon
- John K.H. Quah
- Imran Rasul
- Stephen J. Redding
- Ernesto Schargrodsky [es]
- Martin Schneider
- Carl Shapiro
- Margaret Slade
- Rodrigo Soares
- Chad Syverson
- Adam Szeidl
- Steve Tadelis
- Satoru Takahashi
- Fernando Vega-Redondo [es]
- Heidi Williams
- Steven R. Williams
- Muhamet Yildiz
- Jaap Abbring
- Chunrong Ai
- Ufuk Akcigit
- Simon Board
- Antonio Cabrales
- Arnaud Costinot
- Peter Cramton
- Stefano DellaVigna
- Prosper Dovonon
- Christian Dustmann
- Graham Elliot
- Marcela Eslava
- Armin Falk
- Oded Galor
- Yuriy Gorodnichenko
- Veronica Guerrieri
- Luigi Guiso
- Bård Harstad
- Erik Hurst
- Patrick Kline
- Fuhito Kojima
- Botond Kőszegi
- Rim Lahmandi-Ayed
- John Leahy
- Sydney C. Ludvigson
- Ulrike Malmendier
- Ramon Marimon
- Alexandre Mas
- Atif Mian
- Magne Mogstad
- Benjamin Moll
- Sendhil Mullainathan
- Victor Murinde
- Emi Nakamura
- Volker Nocke
- Nathan Nunn
- Rohini Pande
- Bruce Preston
- James Robinson
- Christina Romer
- Antoinette Schoar
- Matthew Shum
- Rohini Somanathan
- Stefanie Stantcheva
- Wing Chuen Suen
- Balázs Szentes
- Silvana Tenreyro
- Aleh Tsyvinski
- Nicolas Vieille
- Ebonya Washington
- Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
- Mary Amiti
- Leah Boustan
- Irene Brambilla
- Pedro Carneiro
- Songnian Chen
- Pierre Dubois
- Eduardo Faingold
- Alessandro Gavazza
- Nicola Gennaioli
- Raffaella Giacomini
- Pauline Grosjean
- Fatih Guvenen
- Chang-Tai Hsieh
- Oleg Itskhoki
- Dean Karlan
- Navin Kartik
- Ilyana Kuziemko
- Ricardo Lagos
- Thomas Lemieux
- Guido Menzio
- Giuseppe Moscarini
- Rosemarie Nagel
- Benjamin Olken
- Marco Ottaviani
- Giorgio Primiceri
- Nancy Qian
- Morten Ravn
- Marzena Rostek
- Andres Santos
- Jon Steinsson
- Maxwell B. Stinchcombe
- Philipp Strack
- Amir Sufi
- Alemayehu Seyoum Tafesse
- Laura Lisl Veldkamp
- Alessandra Voena
- Hans-Joachim Voth
- Alex Wolitzky
- Nava Ashraf
- Steve Bond
- Tilman Börgers
- Robin Burgess
- Gabriel Carroll
- Yongsung Chang
- Dean Corbae
- Mariacristina De Nardi
- Ben Golub
- Christian Hellwig
- Michael Jansson
- Steven Koch
- Thierry Mayer
- Hyungsik Roger Moon
- Georg Nöldeke
- Emanuel Ornelas
- Pietro Ortoleva
- Sven Rady
- Gil Riella
- Uta Schönberg
- Katsumi Shimotsu
- Marciano Siniscalchi
- Vasiliki Skreta
- Zheng Song
- Yves Sprumont
- Abderrahim Taamouti
- Pierre-Olivier Weill
- Wei Xiong
- Motohiro Yogo
- Jerome Adda
- Cristina Arellano
- Costas Arkolakis
- John Asker
- David Atkin
- Paul Beaudry
- Sascha O. Becker
- Sandra E. Black
- Estelle Cantillon
- Alessandra Casella
- Thomas Chaney
- David Dorn
- Janice Eberly
- Kfir Eliaz
- Erica Field
- Andrea Galeotti
- Francisco Gallego
- Maitreesh Ghatak
- Olivier Gossner
- Ayşe Ökten İmrohoroğlu
- Henrik Kleven
- Kala Krishna
- Jeanne Lafortune
- Francesco Lippi
- Deborah J. Lucas
- Annamaria Lusardi
- N. Gregory Mankiw
- Kalina Manova
- Elena Manresa
- Enrique G. Mendoza
- Ismael Y. Mourifie
- Barry Nalebuff
- Andrew Newman
- Efe A. Ok
- Guillermo Ordonez
- Maria Petrova
- Mar Reguant
- Diego Restuccia
- Andrés Rodríguez-Clare
- Andrea Weber
- Luigi Zingales
- Gabriel Zucman
- Fisher, Irving (1933). "List of Fellows of the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 1 (4): 445. JSTOR 1907338.
- "Election of Fellows, 1935". Econometrica. 3 (4): 477–479. October 1935. JSTOR 1905639.
- "Election of Fellows, 1937". Econometrica. 6 (1): 92–94. January 1938. JSTOR 1910090.
- "Election of Fellows". Econometrica. 7 (3): 284–286. January 1939. JSTOR 1907163.
- "Election of Fellows". Econometrica. 8 (1): 89–93. January 1940. JSTOR 1906865.
- "Election of New Fellows, 1944". Econometrica. 13 (1): 88–91. January 1945. JSTOR 1907136.
- "Election of New Fellows, 1945". Econometrica. 14 (1): 84–87. January 1946. JSTOR 1905708.
- "Election of Fellow, 1946". Econometrica. 15 (1): 67. January 1947. JSTOR 1905819.
- "Election of Fellows, 1947". Econometrica. 16 (1): 117–122. January 1948. JSTOR 1914293.
- "Election of Fellows, 1948". Econometrica. 17 (1): 83–87. January 1949. JSTOR 1912138.
- "Election of Fellows, 1949". Econometrica. 18 (1): 93–97. January 1950. JSTOR 1907221.
- "Election of Fellows, 1950". Econometrica. 19 (1): 77–82. January 1951. JSTOR 1907913.
- "Election of Fellows, 1951". Econometrica. 20 (1): 125–129. January 1952. JSTOR 1907824.
- "Election of Fellows, 1952". Econometrica. 21 (1): 225–228. January 1953. JSTOR 1906973.
- "Election of Fellows, 1953". Econometrica. 22 (1): 133–135. January 1954. JSTOR 1909845.
- "Election of Fellows, 1954". Econometrica. 23 (1): 119–121. January 1955. JSTOR 1905601.
- "Election of Fellows, 1955". Econometrica. 24 (1): 105–107. January 1956. JSTOR 1905284.
- "Election of Fellows, 1956". Econometrica. 25 (1): 195–197. January 1957. JSTOR 1907766.
- "Election of Fellows, 1957". Econometrica. 26 (2): 341–344. April 1958. JSTOR 1907610.
- "Election of Fellows, 1958". Econometrica. 27 (1): 145–148. January 1959. JSTOR 1907795.
- "Election of Fellows, 1959". Econometrica. 28 (3): 737–739. July 1960. JSTOR 1910165.
- "Election of Fellows, 1960". Econometrica. 29 (1): 103–104. January 1961. JSTOR 1907706.
- "Election of Fellows, 1961". Econometrica. 30 (3): 623–625. July 1962. JSTOR 1909921.
- "Election of Fellows, 1962". Econometrica. 31 (1): 291–293. January 1963. JSTOR 1910980.
- "Election of Fellows, 1963". Econometrica. 32 (4): 722–725. October 1964. JSTOR 1910201.
- "Election of Fellows, 1964". Econometrica. 33 (3): 663–666. July 1965. JSTOR 1911775.
- "Election of Fellows, 1965". Econometrica. 34 (2): 529–532. April 1966. JSTOR 1909967.
- "Election of Fellows, 1966". Econometrica. 35 (5): 163–167. January 1967. JSTOR 1910348.
- "Election of Fellows, 1967". Econometrica. 36 (5): 174–180. January 1968. JSTOR 1910071.
- "Report of Elections, 1968". Econometrica. 37 (1): 168. January 1969. JSTOR 1909228.
- "Announcements". Econometrica. 38 (4): 196. July 1970. JSTOR 1911624.
- "Announcements". Econometrica. 39 (4): 410. July 1971. JSTOR 1912500.
- "New Fellows". Econometrica. 41 (2): 377–379. March 1973. JSTOR 1913501.
- "1974 Fellows of the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 44 (1): 199–205. January 1976. JSTOR 1911397.
- "Election of Fellows, 1975". Econometrica. 44 (2): 415–419. March 1976. JSTOR 1912742.
- "Election of Fellows, 1976". Econometrica. 45 (3): 776–780. April 1977. JSTOR 1911695.
- "Election of Fellows, 1977". Econometrica. 46 (2): 487–491. March 1978. JSTOR 1913930.
- "Election of Fellows, 1978". Econometrica. 47 (2): 530–537. March 1979. JSTOR 1914209.
- "1979 Election of Fellows of the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 48 (3): 788–791. May 1980. JSTOR 1913143.
- "1980 Election of Fellows of the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 49 (3): 802–806. May 1981. JSTOR 1911527.
- "1981 Election of Fellows of the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 50 (3): 790–794. May 1982. JSTOR 1912623.
- "1982 Election of Fellows of the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 51 (3): 863–865. May 1983. JSTOR 1912165.
- "1983 Election of Fellows of the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 52 (3): 770–772. May 1984. JSTOR 1913479.
- "1984 Election of Fellows of the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 53 (3): 687–689. May 1985. JSTOR 1911665.
- "1985 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 54 (3): 721–724. May 1986. JSTOR 1911321.
- "1986 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 55 (3): 713–718. May 1987. JSTOR 1913615.
- "1987 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 56 (3): 721–737. May 1988. JSTOR 1911714.
- "1988 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 57 (3): 721–725. May 1989. JSTOR 1911065.
- "1989 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 58 (3): 733–739. May 1990. JSTOR 2938201.
- "1990 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 59 (3): 883–889. May 1991. JSTOR 2938234.
- "1991 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 60 (3): 701–707. May 1992. JSTOR 2951591.
- "1992 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 61 (3): 699–703. May 1993. JSTOR 2951725.
- "1993 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 62 (3): 721–725. May 1994. JSTOR 2951670.
- "1994 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 63 (3): 727–732. May 1995. JSTOR 2171917.
- "1995 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 64 (3): 736–740. May 1996. JSTOR 2171873.
- "1996 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 65 (3): 701–705. May 1997. JSTOR 2171763.
- "1997 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 66 (3): 713–717. May 1998. JSTOR 2998584.
- "1998 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 67 (3): 705–710. May 1999. doi:10.1111/1468-0262.t01-1-00048.
- "1999 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 68 (3): 725–729. May 2000. doi:10.1111/1468-0262.t01-1-00132.
- "2000 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 69 (3): 803–807. May 2001. doi:10.1111/1468-0262.00219.
- "2001 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 70 (3): 1271–1273. May 2002. doi:10.1111/1468-0262.00331.
- "2002 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 71 (3): 827–832. May 2003. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2006.00686.x.
- "2003 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 72 (3): 990–996. March 2004. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2004.00523.x.
- "2004 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 73 (3): 1021–1026. April 2005. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2005.00607.x.
- "2005 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 74 (3): 827–832. April 2006. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2006.00686.x.
- "2006 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 75 (3): 903–904. April 2007. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2007.00774.x.
- "2007 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 76 (3): 671–677. April 2008. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0262.2008.00854.x.
- "2008 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 77 (2): 617–622. March 2009. doi:10.3982/ECTA772FES.
- "2009 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 78 (3): 1165–1172. May 2010. doi:10.3982/ECTA783EF.
- "2010 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 79 (3): 963–969. May 2011. doi:10.3982/ECTA793EF.
- "2011 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 80 (3): 1329–1335. May 2012. doi:10.3982/ECTA803EF.
- "2012 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 81 (4): 1697–1706. July 2013. doi:10.3982/ECTA814EF.
- "2013 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 82 (4): 1547–1554. July 2014. doi:10.3982/ECTA824EF.
- "2014 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 83 (3): 1255–1260. June 2015. doi:10.3982/ECTA833EF.
- "2015 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 84 (4): 1637–1642. July 2016. doi:10.3982/ECTA844EF.
- "2016 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 85 (4): 1323–1328. July 2017. doi:10.3982/ECTA854EF.
- "2017 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 86 (5): 1875–1881. September 2018. doi:10.3982/ECTA865EF.
- "2018 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 87 (3): 1073–1080. May 2019. doi:10.3982/ECTA873EF.
- "2019 Election of Fellows to the Econometric Society". Econometrica. 88 (3): 1299–1303. May 2020. doi:10.3982/ECTA883EF.
- "The Econometric Society Announces its 2020 Fellows". Econometric Society. 22 September 2020. Retrieved 23 September 2020.
- "Congratulations to our 2021 Fellows". The Econometric Society. September 22, 2021. Retrieved 2021-10-29.
- "The Econometric Society Announces its 2023 Fellows". The Econometric Society. October 9, 2023. Retrieved January 20, 2024.
- "The Econometric Society Announces its 2024 Fellows". The Econometric Society. Retrieved October 13, 2024.