Instrument |
Head Mirror with head band |
to focus light into the cavity under inspection; mirror is concave and is used with a Chiron lamp to produce a parallel beam of light; doctor views through the hole (average diameter of mirror is 3 & 1/2" & that of hole is 1/4")
Head mounted lights with head band |
to focus light into the cavity under inspection
Chiron lamp |
source of light
Katz extractor |
to remove nasal foreign body
Bull's eye lamp |
source of light; exiting lens is convex and produces a divergent beam of light
Speculum |
to dilate orifices and to see inside
•Thudichum's nasal speculum |
-do-; short blades ( uses: anterior rhinoscopy - to see the Little's area, ant-inferior part of nasal septum, anterior part of inferior and middle turbinate and meatus, as well as any pathological lesion in the area; also used in certain nasal operations )
•St. Clair Thompson's long bladed nasal speculum |
-do-; long blades ( uses: in operations such as Submucous Resection of the nasal septum )
•Killian's long bladed nasal speculum |
-do-; long blades and with handles; used more operations like SMR & Septoplasty. ( advantage: blade can be adjusted and fixed with screws, to avoid strain due to holding )
•Lempert's endaural speculum |
open the ear canal
•Seigle's pneumatic speculum |
open the ear canal and give a magnification; test the mobility of tympanic membrane; see a magnified image of small perforations; introduce medicine into middle ear; perform Fistula test for vestibular function
•Aural/Ear speculum |
to fit in and straighten the external ear canal
Lack's tongue depressor |
to depress or remove the tongue or other structures from the field of inspection or to view them from all sides; examine oral cavity; posterior rhinoscopy; minor operations; foreign body removal; biopsy ;peritonsillar abscess drainage; retraction of cheek and lip.
Forceps |
to hold things
•Asch's septum forceps |
used to work on the nasal septum
•Tilly's nasal dressing forceps |
for use in the anterior part of the nasal cavity Jmost importantly, anterior nasal packing; larger than Hartmann's, serrated tip & box joint ( uses: all nasal operations; nasal packing; removal of fish bone )
•Tilly's aural dressing forceps |
for use in the ear canal; larger than Hartmann's
•Hartmann's aural forceps |
for use in the ear canal; smaller than Tilly's and has a better "biting" action
•Hunter Tod's forceps |
for use in the ear canal
•Fagge's aural forceps |
for use in the ear canal
•Waugh's long dissecting forceps |
used for dissection like on the tonsils, also to catch bleeding points and putting in swabs
•Wilson's tonsil artery forceps |
as a haemostat ( same as Negus )
•Negus tonsil artery forceps |
as a haemostat, replaces tonsil artery forceps; used to tie ligature at a depth and ligature won't slip due to its curve tip.
•Peritonsilar abscess forceps |
to drain abscesses in the soft tissue adjacent to the palatine tonsils
•Denis Brown's tonsil holding forceps |
to hold the tonsil during dissection
•Luc's nasal forceps |
used in Caldwell-Luc operation on the maxillary sinuses
•Walsham forceps |
used to work on the nasal septum
•Citelli's punch forceps |
punching out holes in bones or other tissues
•Henckle's punch forceps |
punching out holes in bones or other tissues
Eustachian (tube) catheter |
on certain procedures of the eustachian tube or the middle ear like patency test; inflate middle ear and clear eustachian tube blockade; removal of foreign body of the nose; as a suction cannula.
Mirrors |
•Laryngeal mirror |
straight mirror for indirect laryngoscopy (seeing the larynx); structure seen are the base of tongue, vallecula, glossoepiglottic fold, epiglottis, pharyngo-epiglottic folds, aryepiglottic folds, epiglottis, interarytenoid region, pyriform sinus, inlet of larynx, supraglottic region, ventricular bands, vocal cord, subglottis and few rings of trachea; used for removal of fish bone, biopsy, anaesthesia of larynx, trachea, bronchi; removal of vocal nodule and papilloma.
•Postnasal/Posterior rhinoscopy mirror (St. Clair Thompson's) |
for posterior rhinoscopy (seeing the inner parts of the nose like the choanae)
Bronchoscope |
hollow tube to see within the respiratory tract without obstructing respiration
Oesophagoscope |
hollow tube to see within the oesophagus
Laryngoscope |
used in direct laryngoscopy; video link
Jobson Horne's probe with ring curette |
to access or clean the external ear
Tuning forks |
for various clinical tests of hearing loss; vibration sense test
Pritchard's politzerization apparatus |
video link
Aural/Ear syringe |
used to flush out anything like ear wax or foreign bodies from the external ear
Toynbee's auscultation tube |
Otoscope/Auriscope |
to examine the external auditory canal and ear drum; used during aural toileting, removal of wax, myringotomy, stapedectomy and to dilate the stenosis of canal
Mouth gag |
•Doyen's mouth gag |
to keep the mouth open, mostly operate the mouth
•Boyle Davis mouth gag |
to keep the mouth open and depress the tongue to operate within or through the mouth; operations in which it is used: tonsillectomy, operation of palate, pharynx, nasopharynx.
•Jenning's mouth gag |
Draffin's bipod metallic stand and Magauran's plate |
used to hold the Boyle Davis mouth gag fitted head in a particular place.
Guillotine |
used in guillotine method of tonsillectomy
Gwyenne Evans Tonsil dissector and anterior pillar retractor |
used in tonsillectomy
Snares |
•Eve's tonsil snare |
to remove tonsil - used at the end to minimize bleeding
•Krause's nasal snare |
used to remove nasal polyps
•Glegg's nasal polyp snare |
used to remove nasal polyps
•Aural snare |
used to remove aural polyps
Tonsil knife |
used in tonsillectomy.incission of anterior pillar of tonsil in the beginning of operation
Yorke's tonsil haemostatic clamp |
haemostatic clamps
Negus' ligature slipper/knot tier |
used with Negus's or Wilson's artery forceps to help tie sutures; help to slip the ligature over the tip of Negus or Wilson forceps during ligation of vessels following tonsillectomy.
Negus' artery forceps |
as a haemostat; replace tonsil artery forceps; ligature will not slip due to curve tip.
St. Clair Thompson adenoid curette with cage and guard |
used in adenoid surgery.held in dagger holding fashion and passed behind soft palate.
Yankauer's nasopharyngoscope |
for a direct access or look at the nasopharynx
Yankauer suction tip |
double bent sucker; used as a sucker in operations of the mouth
Lichtwitz antrum-puncture trocar and canula |
used in nasal sinus surgery; conform presence of puss in maxillary sinus; cytological examination of antral wash out fluid; lavage of the maxillary sinus; introduction of medication and indwelling polythene tube into the sinus
Tilly's antral harpoon trocar |
to create an artificial passage into the maxillary sinus through the nose; puncture medial wall of inferior meatuses
Tilly's antral bur |
to enlarge the artificial passage into the maxillary sinus through the nose made by the harpoon trochar; dilate and smoothen the antrostomy opening
Freer's double-ended mucoperichondrium elevator |
separation of the mucosa from the cartilage in nasal surgery like Septomarginal resectiondisplacement of inferior turbinate
Farabuef's periosteal elevator |
used in mastoid surgeries like mastoidectomy
Rose's sinus washing canula |
to irrigate the maxillary sinuses
Higginson's syringe |
irrigating the antrum,nasal douching for atrophic rhinitis
Ballenger's swivel knife |
cutting septal cartilage; SMR operation
Nasal foreign body hook |
to remove nasal foreign bodies
Electric drill |
for bone drilling
Mollison's self-retaining haemostatic mastoid retractor |
used in mastoid surgeries to retract overlying tissues
Staecke's guide and protector |
used in mastoid surgeries
Chisel |
removing parts of bones
Mastoid gouge |
removing parts of mastoid bones
MacEwen's cell seeker with curette |
used to curette within the mastoid
Lempert's curette or scoop |
removing parts of the nasal septum
Killian's nasal bone gouge |
bayonet shaped; removing parts of the nasal septum
Myringotome |
used to cut the ear drum
Grommet stapedectomy set |
used in surgeries of the ear drum
Tracheostomy tube |
used in tracheostomy to bypass the airway above its point of insertion, due to any reason
•Fuller's bi-valve type |
metal double tube; used in a new tracheostomy or during closing it for a few days
•Portex type |
used in permanent tracheostomy
•Cuffed type |
in unconscious patient (single cuff is sufficient); used in permanent tracheostomy (with two cuffs); has a balloon (cuff) that is inflated to occlude the airway around the tube to prevent aspiration of fluids into the lungs
•Jackson's |
metal double tube and a pilot
Retractor's (single or double hook) |
to retract tissues
Tracheal hooks (blunt or sharp) |
used in tracheostomy
Lempert's endural retractor |
used in ear surgery
•Jansen's self retaining |
self retaining retractor used in mastoid surgery
•Mollison's self retaining haemostatic |
self retaining retractor used in mastoid surgery
Tracheal dilator |
used in tracheostomy to dilate the cut edges of the trachea
Long gauze pieces |
for anterior nasal packing