Japanese release date
Japanese ISBN
61 | 17 May 2002 | 978-4-06-363103-6 |
- Round 552: "Combatant's Heated Feelings" (両雄の熱き思い, Ryōyū no atsuki omoi)
- Round 553: "Blood Soaked Battle" (血まみれの戦い, Chimamire no tatakai)
- Round 554: "Beyond a Death Match" (死闘の果てに, Shitōnohateni)
- Round 555: "A Hard-Won Victory" (努力の勝利, Doryoku no shōri)
- Round 556: "Lingering Victory" (勝利の余韻, Shōri no yoin)
- Round 557: "World's Greatest Surrogate Son" (世界一の孝行息子, Sekaiichi no kōkō musuko)
- Round 558: "A Star Is Born" (スター誕生, Sutā tanjō)
- Round 559: "Itagaki's Resolve" (板垣の決意, Itagaki no ketsui)
- Round 560: "Course of Destiny" (因縁の図式, In'nen no zushiki)
- Round 561: "The Spar's Results" (スパーの収穫, Supā no shūkaku)
62 | 17 September 2002 | 978-4-06-363143-2 |
- Round 562: "The Man Who Shattered His Confidence" (自信を打ち砕いた男, Jishin o uchikudaita otoko)
- Round 563: "Heart of the Underdog" (雑草の心意気, Zassō no kokoroiki)
- Round 564: "Motivation to Win" (勝ちにこだわる理由(わけ), Kachi ni kodawaru riyū (wake))
- Round 565: "Naturally Gifted" (生まれ持ったモノ, Umare motta mono)
- Round 566: "The Unfilled Gap" (埋まらない差, Umaranai-sa)
- Round 567: "Intense Feelings of a Dark Horse" (雑草の切なる思い, Zassō no setsunaru omoi)
- Round 568: "When His Spirit Breaks" (心が折れる時, Kokorogaoreru-toki)
- Round 569: "A Dark Horse Who Grew Straight Up" (まっすぐにのびた雑草, Massugu ni nobita zassō)
- Round 570: "Proof of Being a Pro Boxer" (プロボクサーの証, Purobokusā no akashi)
- Round 571: "Words That Can't Be Said Yet" (今はまだ言えない言葉, Ima wa mada ienaikotoba)
- Round 572: "Dempsey Roll Under Siege" (デンプシー·ロール包囲網, Denpushī· rōru hōi-mō)
63 | 17 December 2002 | 978-4-06-363176-0 |
- Round 573: "A Luxurious Gift" (ぜいたくな買い物, Zeitakuna kaimono)
- Round 574: "Severe Training" (苛烈な練習, Karetsuna renshū)
- Round 575: "Beyond the Evolution of the Dempsey Roll" (デンプシー進化の先に, Denpushī shinka no saki ni)
- Round 576: "Something I Want to Try" (やっておきたいこと, Yatte okitai koto)
- Round 577: "A Place to Reflect" (立ち返るところ, Tachikaeru tokoro)
- Round 578: "The Neverending Journey?" (明日なき放浪?, Ashita naki hōrō?)
- Round 579: "Something's Missing" (足りないなにか, Tarinai nani ka)
- Round 580: "Before the Fight" (戦いの前, Tatakai no mae)
- Round 581: "The Challenger's Excitement" (挑戦者の高ぶり, Chōsen-sha no takaburi)
- Round 582: "Champion on the Attack" (迫りくる王者, Semari kuru ōja)
- Round 583: "Karasawa in the Palm of His Hand" (掌の上の唐沢, Tenohira no ue no Karasawa)
64 | 17 March 2003 | 978-4-06-363211-8 |
- Round 584: "The Remaining 30 Seconds" (残り30秒)
- Round 585: "Ippo's Focus" (一歩の課題)
- Round 586: "The One Controlling the Pace" (試合を支配(コントロール)する者)
- Round 587: "A Distorted Orbit" (いびつな円軌道)
- Round 588: "Premonition of Progress" (成長の予感)
- Round 589: "The Final Counterattack" (最後の逆襲)
- Round 590: "Light and Darkness in the Ring" (リング上の明暗)
- Round 591: "Seal on the Finishing Blow" (必殺技の封印)
- Round 592: "What He'll Soon Realize" (後に気づくこと)
- Round 593: "Battle for Dominance" (覇権争い)
- Round 594: "Love Pentagon" (五角関係)
65 | 17 June 2003 | 978-4-06-363246-0 |
- Round 595: "Dead End" (袋小路)
- Round 596: "A Definitive Deficiency" (決定的な欠陥)
- Round 597: "Be Ready For Anything" (腹をくくれ)
- Round 598: "Itagaki's choice" (板垣の選択)
- Round 599: "Speed Vs Power" (速度(スピード)VS. 豪腕(パワー))
- Round 600: "Beat the Pressure" (重圧をはねのけろ)
- Round 601: "A Close Range Offensive" (至近距離の攻防)
- Round 602: "Go-Go Mode" (行け行けモード)
- Round 603: "Stepping Forward on His Own" (自分から前へ)
- Round 604: "A Man of Valor's View" (勇者の視界)
- Round 605: "Boxing High" (ボクシングハイ)
66 | 17 September 2003 | 978-4-06-363284-2 |
- Round 606: "With Alarming Speed" (恐ろしい速度(スピード)で)
- Round 607: "A Pro Boxer" (プロのボクサー)
- Round 608: "A Heavy Hitter's Methodology" (強打者の理論)
- Round 609: "Fearsome Destructive Power" (恐るべき破壊力)
- Round 610: "Such Unfair Boxing" (理不尽なボクシング)
- Round 611: "The Trainer's Words" (篠田(トレーナー)の言葉)
- Round 612: "Their Choices" (二人の選択)
- Round 613: "Visions of My Senpai" (先輩たちの姿)
- Round 614: "What Ippo Can Do" (一歩にできること)
- Round 615: "Within Fading Consciousness" (薄れゆく意識のなかで)
- Round 616: "The Difference Between Them" (今井と板垣の差)
67 | 17 December 2003 | 978-4-06-363315-3 |
- Round 617: "What He's Seen" (見てきたモノ)
- Round 618: "Itagaki's Pride" (板垣の誇り)
- Round 619: "End of the Duel" (死闘の決着)
- Round 620: "Recipients of Victory and Defeat" (勝敗を分けたもの)
- Round 621: "West Japan Rookie King" (西日本新人王)
- Round 622: "The One Who's Waiting" (待っている人)
- Round 623: "The Promised Place" (約束の地)
- Round 624: "Rival" (好敵手(ライバル))
- Round 625: "Kamogawa Gym's Official Recognition" (鴨川ジム公式採用)
- Round 626: "The Schedule from Now On" (これからの日程(スケジュール))
- Round 627: "This Time for Sure..." (今度こそ)
68 | 16 April 2004 | 978-4-06-363355-9 |
- Round 628: "Itagaki Returns" (板垣帰還)
- Round 629: "Baton Pass" (バトンタッチ)
- Round 630: "22 Wins, 10 Losses, 1 Draw" (22勝10敗1分)
- Round 631: "The Boxer He Didn't Want to Fight" (戦いたくなかった選手(ボクサー))
- Round 632: "Disappearances" (見えなくなっていたモノ)
- Round 633: "True Form" (本来の姿)
- Round 634: "Straight Eyes" (まっすぐな眼)
- Round 635: "The Veteran Challenger" (ベテラン挑戦者)
- Round 636: "The Challenger's Greeting" (挑戦者の挨拶)
- Round 637: "Specialty" (本領発揮)
69 | 15 July 2004 | 978-4-06-363396-2 |
- Round 638: "Where the Weakness Is" (弱点はどこに)
- Round 639: "Confused Depth Perception" (狂う距離感)
- Round 640: "Special Distance" (得意の距離)
- Round 641: "Poisonous Fangs" (毒の牙)
- Round 642: "Power Struggle" (破壊力勝負)
- Round 643: "Familiar Scene" (見慣れぬ光景)
- Round 644: "The Invincible Challenger" (不死身の挑戦者)
- Round 645: "What Take is Doing" (武のやっていること)
- Round 646: "Ominous Form" (不吉な影)
- Round 647: "Tightly Bound" (がんじがらめ)
- Round 648: "Same Position" (同じ条件)
70 | 17 September 2004 | 978-4-06-363428-0 |
- Round 649: "Fighting Head On" (真つ向勝負)
- Round 650: "The Fearless Challenger" (臆さぬ挑戦者)
- Round 651: "Going Past the Limits" (限界を超えて)
- Round 652: "Weakling" (弱虫)
- Round 653: "The Finishing Blow" (フィニッシュ・ブロー)
- Round 654: "Ruthless Right Hook" (無情の右フック)
- Round 655: "Father's Back" (父親の背中)
- Round 656: "The Bridge to Tomorrow" (明日につながるモン)
- Round 657: "What's Ahead For Everyone" (それぞれの“次")
- Round 658: "The Girl, Her Brother, & My Rival" (彼女と兄とライバルと)
71 | 17 December 2004 | 978-4-06-363458-7 |
- Round 659: "Spoiled Brat" (甘ちゃん)
- Round 660: "Anti-Makunouchi Plan" (幕之内対策)
- Round 661: "The Enemy Outside the Ring" (リングの外の敵)
- Round 662: "The Wingless Champion" (翼をもがれた王者)
- Round 663: "Rusted Blade" (錆びついた刀)
- Round 664: "The Worst Match Ever" (最低の試合)
- Round 665: "The Match We Promised" (約束の試合)
- Round 666: "Inescapable Destiny" (逃れられぬ運命)
- Round 667: "One More Card" (もう一つの試合)
- Round 668: "Conquered Weakness!?" (弱点克服!?)
- Round 669: "An Idiot's Endeavor" (バカのひとつ覚え)
72 | 17 March 2005 | 978-4-06-363495-2 |
- Round 670: "The Comeback Kid" (逆転の貴公子)
- Round 671: "Aoki the Mastermind" (策士・青木)
- Round 672: "A Vast, Distant World" (広く遠い世界)
- Round 673: "Killer Instinct Once Again" (殺意再び)
- Round 674: "Mashiba's Real Goal" (真柴の真意)
- Round 675: "A Bad Feeling" (悪い胸騒ぎ)
- Round 676: "Before the Storm" (嵐の前の)
- Round 677: "Heavy Atmosphere" (重い空気)
- Round 678: "Checking Things Out" (様子見)
- Round 679: "A Means to Close In" (近づく術)
73 | 17 July 2005 | 978-4-06-363548-5 |
- Round 680: "Flying Fists" (乱れ飛ぶ拳)
- Round 681: "Contention of Power" (実力拮抗)
- Round 682: "Nice Fight" (ナイスファイト)
- Round 683: "Fury" (怒り)
- Round 684: "Rhythm of the Motion" (振り子のリズム)
- Round 685: "Makunouchi's Teachings" (幕之内の教え)
- Round 686: "Ineffective Knuckles" (効かない拳)
- Round 687: "Pride" (自尊心)
- Round 688: "The Wounded Champion" (手負いの王者)
- Round 689: "Good and Evil" (正義と悪)
- Round 690: "The Worst Match" (最悪の試合)
- Round 691: "Survival" (サバイバル)
74 | 16 December 2005 | 978-4-06-363606-2 |
- Round 692: "The Same View" (同じ景色を)
- Round 693: "Death Sentence Executed" (死刑執行)
- Round 694: "The Final Attack" (最後の一撃)
- Round 695: "A Battle Beyond Fists" (拳を越えた勝負)
- Round 696: "Instinct" (本能)
- Round 697: "A Ring With No Winner" (勝者のいないリング)
- Round 698: "Championship Belt" (チャンピオンベルト)
- Round 699: "Final Appearance" (最後の姿)
- Round 700: "Disturbance at Kamogawa Gym" (鴨川ジム異変)
- Round 701: "Former Little Leaguers" (元野球少年)
- Round 702: "An Unexpected Weakness" (思わぬ弱点)
- Round 703: "The True Star Appears" (真打ち登場)
75 | 17 March 2006 | 978-4-06-363636-9 |
- Round 704: "The End..." (最後はやっぱり)
- Round 705: "Main Eventer" (メインイベンター)
- Round 706: "Sendo's Goal" (千堂の標的)
- Round 707: "Pressing the Wrong Buttons" (ボタンのかけちがい)
- Round 708: "The Next Point?" (次は何点?)
- Round 709: "Rushed Feelings" (逸る気持ち)
- Round 710: "Mutual Feelings" (相思相愛)
- Round 711: "Next Goal" (次の目標)
- Round 712: "Shinoda's Decision" (篠田の決意)
- Round 713: "An Anxious Ten Rounds" (迷いだらけの10回戦)
76 | 16 June 2006 | 978-4-06-363665-9 |
- Round 714: "Different Techniques" (違う時間軸)
- Round 715: "Ability Unleashed" (能力開放)
- Round 716: "Withstand One Hit" (一発を耐えて)
- Round 717: "Debut Match" (デビュー戦)
- Round 718: "The Secret of Their Strength" (強さの秘密)
- Round 719: "Aoki's Revenge" (青木の復讐)
- Round 720: "Last Match" (最後の試合)
- Round 721: "Fate" (縁)
- Round 722: "Untold Reason" (語られる理由)
- Round 723: "For What Reason" (なんのために)
77 | 17 August 2006 | 978-4-06-363705-2 |
- Round 724: "Deep Hole" (深い穴)
- Round 725: "The Weight of Fists" (拳の重み)
- Round 726: "A Different Route" (違うルート)
- Round 727: "Scrarred Jimmy" (傷物ジミー)
- Round 728: "The Fist of God" (神の一撃)
- Round 729: "Disrupt the Startup" (出鼻を挫け)
- Round 730: "Gamble or Threat" (博奕か威嚇か)
- Round 731: "Tornado" (竜巻)
- Round 732: "Only One Thing" (やることは一つ)
- Round 733: "Half-Hearted Punches" (疑心暗鬼)
- Round 734: "Unfamiliar Fight" (未体験の戦い)
78 | 17 November 2006 | 978-4-06-363742-7 |
- Round 735: "Rock vs. Rock" (グーとグー)
- Round 736: "Chance for Victory" (勝機)
- Round 737: "The Pursuit of Evolution" (進化の兆し)
- Round 738: "Gaze Upon God!" (神の姿を見よ)
- Round 739: "What He Saw..." (見えたのは・・・・)
- Round 740: "The God Above the Ring" (リング上の神)
- Round 741: "To Miyata-kun" (宮田くんへ)
- Round 742: "Zoo"
- Round 743: "Fist of the King" (王の姿)
- Round 744: "Secret Blow: Beetle's Uppercut" (秘打・ビートルズアッペー)
- Round 745: "The Weight of Those Fists" (その拳の重み)
79 | 16 February 2007 | 978-4-06-363786-1 |
- Round 746: "Look Up at the Lightning" (仰ぎ見る、紫電, Aogi miru, shiden)
- Round 747: "A Piercing Counter" (貫くカウンター, Tsuranuku kauntā)
- Round 748: "Miyata's Aim" (宮田の狙い, Miyata no nerai)
- Round 749: "A Message from Miyata" (宮田からの伝言, Miyata kara no dengon)
- Round 750: "Conspiracy" (陰謀, Inbō)
- Round 751: "The Destined Boxer" (運命の選手, Unmei no senshu)
- Round 752: "Racoon Boy" (ラクーン・ボーイ, Rakūn bōi)
- Round 753: "As the Challenger" (挑戦者として, Chōsen-sha to shite)
- Round 754: "In The Middle of the Dream" (夢、半ば, Yume, nakaba)
- Round 755: "Red Blue Yellow" (赤・青・黄, Aka ao kiro)
- Round 756: "The Mysterious Trainer" (謎のトレーナー, Nazo no torēnā)
80 | 17 May 2007 | 978-4-06-363827-1 |
- Round 757: "Seeking It With Him" (あの人と目指す, Ano hito to mezasu)
- Round 758: "The Man Known as the Magician" (魔術師と呼ばれる男, Majutsu-shi to yoba reru otoko)
- Round 759: "Dojo Challenge" (道場破り, Dōjōyaburi)
- Round 760: "Magic Inside the Ring" (リングの魔術, Ringu no majutsu)
- Round 761: "Nature of the Magic" (魔術の正体, Majutsu no shōtai)
- Round 762: "Extending? Shrinking?" (伸びる?縮める?, Nobiru? Chidjimeru?)
- Round 763: "Outside Training" (出稽古, Degeiko)
- Round 764: "Different From Before" (あの頃とは違う!, Anogoro to wa chigau!)
- Round 765: "Dual Exchange" (相打ち, Aiuchi)
- Round 766: "The Other Weakness" (もうひとつの弱点, Mō hitotsu no jakuten)
- Round 767: "A Fight or a Job" (勝負か仕事か, Shōbu ka shigoto ka)