This is a list of known governors of Mauretania Tingitana. It was one of the imperial provinces, governed by an appointee of the emperor, in this case a member of the equites. Some governors of Mauretania Tingitana were assigned to simultaneously govern the neighboring province of Mauretania Caesariensis; their names appear in bold.
- Unless otherwise noted, governors from AD 50 to 299 are taken from J.E.H. Spaul, "Governors of Tingitana", Antiquités africaines 30 (1994), pp. 235-260
- Werner Eck and Ittai Gradel, "Eine Konstitution für das Heer von Mauretania Tingitana vom 20. September 104 n.Chr.", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, 219 (2021), pp. 248–255.
- Nadine Labory argues this name could also be restored as Gaius Maximus or ganius Maximus. ("Gaius Maximus ou ganius Maximus, procurateur de Maurétanie tingitane en 131? ", Antiquités africaines, 32 (1996), pp. 63-66)
- E. Papi, "Diploma militare da Thamusida (Mauretania Tingitana): 31 dicembre 133/134", Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 142 (2003), pp. 257-266 (RMD-382)
- AE 1997, 1767 = RMD-5, 410; AE 2003, 1547 = RMD-5, 411;AE 2016, 1353 = RMD-5, 409
- Or after 250
- Or between 230 and 232