Subordinate to
46th Military Police Command
Michigan Army National Guard
National Guard
200th Military Police Command
United States Army Reserve
260th Military Police Command
District of Columbia National Guard
National Guard
8th Military Police Brigade
- 728th Military Police Battalion Schofield Barracks, HI
- 630th Military Police Company (Bamberg, Germany)
- 57th Military Police Company
- 58th Military Police Company
- 552nd Military Police Company
- 558th Military Police Company
- 13th Military Police Detachment
- 39th Military Police Detachment
United States Army Pacific
Active Duty
11th Military Police Brigade - Ashley, PA
200th Military Police Command
14th Military Police Brigade
Military Police School / Fort Leonard Wood
Active Duty (TDA)
15th Military Police Brigade
Fort Leavenworth, KS
Active Duty
16th Military Police Brigade - Fort Liberty, NC
XVIII Airborne Corps / Fort Liberty
Active Duty
18th Military Police Brigade - Grafenwoehr
21st Theater Sustainment Command / USAREUR
Active Duty
35th Military Police Brigade
Missouri Army National Guard
National Guard
42nd Military Police Brigade
I Corps
Active Duty
43rd Military Police Brigade - Warwick Armory, RI
Rhode Island Army National Guard
National Guard
49th Military Police Brigade - Fairfield, CA
California Army National Guard
National Guard
89th Military Police Brigade
III Corps
Active Duty
142nd Military Police Brigade (Combat Support) - Decatur, AL
National Guard
177th Military Police Brigade (Combat Support) - Taylor, MI
- 210th Military Police Battalion - Taylor, MI
Michigan Army National Guard
National Guard
220th Military Police Brigade
221st Military Police Brigade
258th Military Police Brigade
Reorganized and redesignated
290th Military Police Brigade
200th Military Police Command
300th Military Police Brigade
200th Military Police Command
333rd Military Police Brigade (EPW)
- 306th Military Police Battalion Uniondale, NY
- 310th Military Police Battalion Uniondale, NY
- 336th Military Police Battalion Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- 400th Military Police Battalion (I/R) Fort Meade, MD
- 340th Military Police Battalion Ashley, PA
- 345th Military Police Company (Combat Support), Ashley, PA
- 362nd Military Police Detachment
- 812th Military Police Company
- 744th Military Police Battalion
- 340th Military Police Company Jamaica, NY
- 343rd Military Police Detachment Fort Dix, NJ
- 348th Military Police Detachment Fort Dix, NJ
- 423d Military Police Company Uniondale, NY
- 812th Military Police Company Orangeburg, NY
- 367th Military Police Company Willow Grove, PA
200th Military Police Command
Military Police Command Panama
- HHC LEA "Law and order south of the border".
Military Police Brigade Hawaii