Hi! I don't know why you are going round removing the word Ciociaria. May I suggest that you seek editor consensus before you do any more of that? Justlettersandnumbers (talk) 23:33, 5 October 2017 (UTC)
- hi @Justlettersandnumbers:! thanks for your message... actually it's very popular, but it's a non-scientific term (According to the Enciclopedia Italiana "the region has no physical unit, nor does it have its own individuality" ("la regione non ha unità fisica, anzi non ha neppure una propria individualità")... it was used for propagandistic reasons and tourists...
(the largest (invented) European region...) only confusion... you won't find a single scientific map or a single historic toponym...
- the well-established scientific (geographic and historic) names are:
- Valle Latina: Province of Frosinone and South of Rome:
- Giuseppe Ponzi, Osservazioni geologiche fatte lungo la Valle Latina, Roma, 1849
- Sabrina Pietrobono, La Media Valle Latina: castelli e viabilità in una zona di frontiera, Società degli Archeologi Medievisti Italiani, 2006
- Sabrina Pietrobono, I monasteri della Media Valle Latina (Frosinone): aspetti topografici e scelte insediative, in Letizia Ermini Pani, Committenza, scelte insediative e organizzazione patrimoniale nel Medioevo, Atti del Convegno di studio, Tergu 15-17 settembre 2006, Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, 2007, p. 472 (footnote 4);
- Antonello Angelucci, La serie miocenica nella media Valle Latina (Frosinone), in "Geologica Romana", V, 1966
- S. Pracchia, L. Petrassi, F. Cifarelli (a cura di), Elementi minori di un paesaggio archeologico: una lettura dell'Alta Valle Latina, Roma, 1998
- See also: Latium and Via Latina
- Campagna: Northern Province of Frosinone
- Marittima: Northern Province of Latina
- Marsica: These 37 comuni in Abruzzo
- Molise: Provinces of Campobasso and Isernia
- Terra di Lavoro: Northern Campania, Southern Province of Frosinone, Southern Province of Latina and the area of Venafro
- High Terra di Lavoro: Southern Province of Frosinone, Southern Province of Latina and the area of Venafro
- Valle Latina: Province of Frosinone and South of Rome:
- the well-established scientific (geographic and historic) names are:
Good night! Þiudamers (talk) 00:39, 6 October 2017 (UTC)